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1 hour ago, meganoth said:


There is no way **I** can do 10 quests in the first two days in single player at an appropriate difficulty setting (which is 3 for me). I don't know how others can do it unless they set difficulty too low.


I started 1.0 on monday. First day I got 1 quest done, second day I got 2 quests done or would have if I didn't got killed by a dog. No way is 5 quests per day in the first few days the norm for single player. And I am sure TFP as well isn't interested in some hypothetical numbers what could be done, but actual experiences of normal players.


Now show me most players do 5 quests on the first day and I concede the point.


And as I explained in the other post, the comparison works even with fewer quests.  If you average 2 per day, you complete tier 1 in about 5 days in single player.  Let's say that at 8 players, you can complete 8 per day.  That is still 10 days (twice as long) to finish tier 1 for everyone if all are questing together.  And I'm not sure how many groups can complete 8 per day on 60 minute days if they quest together.  Not to mention, as you said, there are other things you need to do besides quest.


As far are quests go, though.... With a decent weapon (I use a spear), I can complete 5 if I really try.  With spear and the new power attacks, I can usually knock down an enemy on day 1 with the first headshot hit, and at most, 2.  Then 2-3 more power attacks on the ground and they are dead.  Once I find the book to recharge stamina on kill, I can power through a POI quickly.  I might need to back away and regroup when fighting many enemies at once, but most tier 1 POI have only 1-3 zombies at a time.  I did find one with 5 at once and had to back off after killing two, but that is rare.  When I have tried the same with some other weapons, that isn't always possible, mainly due to stamina usage and attack speed.  So it varies depending on how you play, but it's possible.  But as I explained in a few posts, my example at max number of quests was to give a comparison based on what TFP seems to want for maximum progression.  If I start randomly picking number of quests based on someone's play style or ability, it just is more muddy when trying to see the difference because the values can change a lot depending on what play style you pick.  But it doesn't change how things are unbalanced.  It also doesn't take away the bad taste that not getting any progression from helping friends puts in my mouth and the mouths of others who are also upset about the change.  For a game that promotes co-op play, changing something so that you are better off not playing as a group just doesn't make sense.  Especially when there are ways to balance this for all numbers of players.


And yes, you get benefits still from playing as a group.  Speed, though not enough to compensate for this change; survivability, though that isn't always a big deal depending on how you play; more rewards, though you need more for more people, so not really a bonus.



1 hour ago, meganoth said:


There is no way **I** can do 10 quests in the first two days in single player at an appropriate difficulty setting (which is 3 for me). I don't know how others can do it unless they set difficulty too low.


I started 1.0 on monday. First day I got 1 quest done, second day I got 2 quests done or would have if I didn't got killed by a dog. No way is 5 quests per day in the first few days the norm for single player. And I am sure TFP as well isn't interested in some hypothetical numbers what could be done, but actual experiences of normal players.


Now show me most players do 5 quests on the first day and I concede the point.


And at I explained in the other post, the comparison works even with fewer quests.  If you average 2 per day, you compete tier 1 in about 5 days in single player.  Let's say that at 8 players, you can complete 8 per day.  That is still 10 days (twice as long) to finish tier 1 for everyone if all are questions together.  And I'm not sure how many groups can complete 8 per day on 60 minute days.


As far are quests go, though.... With a decent weapon (I use a spear), I can complete 5 if I really try.  With spear and the new power attacks, I can usually knock down an enemy on day 1 with the first headshot hit, and at most, 2.  Then 2-3 more per attacks on the ground and they are dead.  Once I find the book to recharge stamina on kill, I can power through a POI quickly.  I might need to back away and regroup when fighting many enemies at once, but most tier 1 POI have only 1-3 zombies at a time.  I did find one with 5 at once and had to back off after killing two, but that is rare.  When I have tried the same with some other weapons, that isn't always possible, mainly due to stamina usage and attack speed.  So it varies depending on how you play, but it's possible.  But as I explained in a few posts, my example at max number of quests was to give a comparison based on what TFP seems to want for maximum progression.  If I start randomly picking number of quests based on someone's play style or ability, it just is more muddy when trying to see the difference because the values can change a lot depending on what play style you pick.  But it doesn't change how things are unbalanced.  It also doesn't take away the bad taste that not getting any progression from helping friends puts in my mouth and the mouths of others who are also upset about the change.  For a game that promotes co-op play, changing something so that you are better off not playing as a group just doesn't make sense.  Especially when there are ways to balance this for all numbers of players.

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