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On 6/25/2024 at 7:50 AM, q123 said:

For those which have a lower framerate in the forest biome compared to A21 - check the new "shadow quality" setting.


Reducing quality from High to Medium results (for me) in additional 30+ FPS in the forest.

On the other hand, "shadow distance" is nearly at no cost atm... i'm running it ultra+ for now 😁


Did my own quick performance/optimization testing in 1.0 b309:


4k resolution, I7 13700k, RTX3080. 1.0exp changed itself to ULTRA preset in the first run, fps disaster! I think much people are arguing because this automatic change.


So I change to HIGH preset, gives me 55-58 fps in areas with no zombies. Not good enough. I improve the preset by changing:

- Antialiasing from Temporal to FSR medium: from 55-58 to 76-78... awesome! but FSR Ultra is performing less than Temporal aliasing. FSR Ultra shouldn't be 2954x1662 pixels? or is native + FSR AA so we are looking at the cost of FSR itself?
- Sharpness slider doesn't work with FSR, only with temporal AA. Sharpness is a MUST in FSR, as is VERY blurry by default. Had to use Reshade to add it. Now its awesome!
- Texture filtering from medium to ultra, <1 fps cost worth it 
- Shadows distance from high to ultra, <1 fps cost worth it
- Shadows quality from high to medium, 76-78 to 85 fps but not very noticeable loss in quality, so very worth it IMO. The new worst offender in fps?
- SSAO: New 1.0 can eat 10-11 fps in interiors, but looks awesome, absolutely worth it to keep ON. OFF is very ugly. Could be possible to add extra "medium" quality SSAO?
- SS Reflections eat much less FPS than in alpha 21, around 5 fps from medium to low, so I keep it on medium


Now playing with at around 85 fps and very happy. 

Now lets try CPU performance: added 100 zombies in debug mode, down to 45-50 fps. 

Added this to /7DaystoDie_Data/boot.config:


And now 100 zombies only downs to 60-65fps. Not stable enough to enable the oldest Unity performance trick by default?


I also recommend this mod updated for 1.0exp because shadow improvements:


EDIT: for some reason, looking closely to a light source in 1.0 like a wall light or a working forge can eat up to 15 fps. Want to try out again when the mod "Torch" in nexusmods gets updated for 1.0.





On 6/25/2024 at 7:50 AM, q123 said:

For those which have a lower framerate in the forest biome compared to A21 - check the new "shadow quality" setting.


Reducing quality from High to Medium results (for me) in additional 30+ FPS in the forest.

On the other hand, "shadow distance" is nearly at no cost atm... i'm running it ultra+ for now 😁


Did my own quick performance/optimization testing in 1.0 b309:


4k resolution, I7 13700k, RTX3080. 1.0exp changed itself to ULTRA preset in the first run, fps disaster! I think much people are arguing because this automatic change.


So I change to HIGH preset, gives me 55-58 fps in areas with no zombies. Not good enough. I improve the preset by changing:

- Antialiasing from Temporal to FSR medium: from 55-58 to 76-78... awesome! but FSR Ultra is performing less than Temporal aliasing. FSR Ultra shouldn't be 2954x1662 pixels? or is native + FSR AA so we are looking at the cost of FSR itself?
- Sharpness slider doesn't work with FSR, only with temporal AA. Sharpness is a MUST in FSR, as is VERY blurry by default. Had to use Reshade to add it. Now its awesome!
- Texture filtering from medium to ultra, <1 fps cost worth it 
- Shadows distance from high to ultra, <1 fps cost worth it
- Shadows quality from high to medium, 76-78 to 85 fps but not very noticeable loss in quality, so very worth it IMO. The new worst offender in fps?
- SSAO: New 1.0 can eat 10-11 fps in interiors, but looks awesome, absolutely worth it to keep ON. OFF is very ugly. Could be possible to add extra "medium" quality SSAO?
- SS Reflections eat much less FPS than in alpha 21, around 5 fps from medium to low, so I keep it on medium


Now playing with at around 85 fps and very happy. 

Now lets try CPU performance: added 100 zombies in debug mode, down to 45-50 fps. 

Added this to /7DaystoDie_Data/boot.config:


And now 100 zombies only downs to 60-65fps. Not stable enough to enable the oldest Unity performance trick by default?


I also recommend this mod updated for 1.0exp because shadow improvements:



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