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Am I too stupid to use ladders now or can't you jump at and hang on them anymore? Only way to climb a ladder for me is to "walk" upwards with a ladder block right in front of me (so Zs can use it as well).


I started a small base on a roof top, removed the lowest ladder block as usual but can't reach the ladder anymore myself?!



If I press C (crouch) on ladder impact I can stick to it like it used to be. Without C I always fall down.



Am I too stupid to use ladders now or can't you jump at and hang on them anymore? Only way to climb a ladder for me is to "walk" upwards with a ladder block right in front of me (so Zs can use it as well).


I started a small base on a roof top, removed the lowest ladder block as usual but can't reach the ladder anymore myself?!

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