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forgot to add a few words

@faatal, Hello, do you remember when was the last time you updated the first person controller? It seems to me that this was back in the 13th alpha, or maybe even earlier. in those days you posted news on tumblr 😁
What I mean is all the first person movements, when you jump, when you move, when you turn, when you run, the camera swaying from side to side, up and down physics, acceleration effects, as well as realistic and effective swaying of weapons, tools in your hands when walking and running
that is, roughly speaking, the effects of first-person camera behavior, character movement
I think this would greatly increase the immersion effect
update this please 🙂😉
Thank you so much! My english is very bad, sorry :D



@faatal, Hello, do you remember when was the last time you updated the first person controller? It seems to me that this was back in the 13th alpha, or maybe even earlier. in those days you posted news on tumblr 😁
What I mean is all the first person movements, when you jump, when you move, when you turn, when you run, camera swaying from side to side, up and down physics, acceleration effects
that is, roughly speaking, the effects of first-person camera behavior, character movement
I think this would greatly increase the immersion effect
update this please😉

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