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3 hours ago, meganoth said:


??? The telltale version was labeled as a full release version if I recall correctly, with one after-release patch promised. That is one of the reasons why the console launch seems a likely "culprit".  



Because you don't officially trumpet internals from confidential meetings with Sony and Microsoft where they tell you that you better have a release version ready or there could be consequences, wink wink natch natch. Ever heard of NDA's? Ever heard **any** games company telling details from their dealings with one of the console companies ? Most knowledge about console rules seem to be coming from the grapevines.


And maybe they even mean it,  it may be a secondary reason and the only one they can publish.




But then you don´t tell stories about how you feel that the game is now ready for release and make it sound like it is your own very good idea when we all know very well that they don´t feel that way. It´s obvious that there is something forcing them. You don´t need to break any NDA`s but you also don´t need to make up a story that is so thin that you can see trough even when nearly blind...


Something like "Due to legal reasons and financial decisions that we are not allowed to talk about in public, we have to choose this way for the game now"  Would do the trick.


The obvious not telling the full truth here is, what does cause trust issues. Pair that with things like "We only removed the spawn rate slider temporarily, it will be back soon" and things like the mod team telling us reasons for changes and when the actual team talks about it those reasons are totally other ones.


For me it´s clear. Never ever touch a TFP early access again. And that´s not it because it took 10 years.



3 hours ago, meganoth said:


??? The telltale version was labeled as a full release version if I recall correctly, with one after-release patch promised. That is one of the reasons why the console launch seems a likely "culprit".  



Because you don't officially trumpet internals from confidential meetings with Sony and Microsoft where they tell you that you better have a release version ready or there could be consequences, wink wink natch natch. Ever heard of NDA's? Ever heard **any** games company telling details from their dealings with one of the console companies ? Most knowledge about console rules seem to be coming from the grapevines.


And maybe they even mean it,  it may be a secondary reason and the only one they can publish.




But then you don´t tell stories about how you feel that the game is now ready for release and make it sound like it is your own very good idea when we all know very well that they don´t feel that way. It´s obvious that there is something forcing them. You don´t need to break any NDA`s but you also don´t need to make up a story that is so thin that you can see trough even when nearly blind...


The obvious not telling the full truth here is, what does cause trust issues. Pair that with things like "We only removed the spawn rate slider temporarily, it will be back soon" and things like the mod team telling us reasons for changes and when the actual team talks about it those reasons are totally other ones.


For me it´s clear. Never ever touch a TFP early access again. And that´s not it because it took 10 years.



3 hours ago, meganoth said:


??? The telltale version was labeled as a full release version if I recall correctly, with one after-release patch promised. That is one of the reasons why the console launch seems a likely "culprit".  



Because you don't officially trumpet internals from confidential meetings with Sony and Microsoft where they tell you that you better have a release version ready or there could be consequences, wink wink natch natch. Ever heard of NDA's? Ever heard **any** games company telling details from their dealings with one of the console companies ? Most knowledge about console rules seem to be coming from the grapevines.


And maybe they even mean it,  it may be a secondary reason and the only one they can publish.




But then you don´t tell stories about how you feel that the game is now ready for release and make it sound like it is your own very good idea when we all know very well that they don´t feel that way. It´s obvious that there is something forcing them. You don´t need to break any NDA`s but you also don´t need to make up a story that is so thin that you can see trough even when nearly blind...



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