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5 hours ago, Roland said:

There is no game in existence that rewards a set bonus without the entire set. 

ummmmm sorry roland. one of the diablo iterations (2?) had stacking bonuses where the gear got better and better with each piece of the set you wore, and then there was an overall bonus. partial set bonuses as well as the complete set bonus. it meant you could mix and match 2 or even 3 different sets and enjoy perks as you built the sets. decisions like should i loose this set bonus on the wizard getup to get the bonus on the assassin setup. sometimes it was worth using only 3/5 of set A and the rest from set B to get special mixes of bonuses.


here we go


Arcanna's Tricks

Partial Set Bonus

+50 To Mana (2 Items)
+50 To Life (3 Items)
Regenerate Mana 12% (3 Items)


Complete Set Bonus

+50 To Mana
+50 To Life
20% Faster Cast Rate
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+1 to All Skills



5 hours ago, Roland said:

There is no game in existence that rewards a set bonus without the entire set. 

ummmmm sorry roland. one of the diablo iterations (2?) had stacking bonuses where the gear got better and better with each piece of the set you wore, and then there was an overall bonus. partial set bonuses as well as the complete set bonus. it meant you could mix and match 2 or even 3 different sets and enjoy perks as you built the sets. decisions like should i loose this set bonus on the wizard getup to get the bonus on the assassin setup. sometimes it was worth using only 3/5 of set A and the rest from set B to get special mixes of bonuses.

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