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Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills) - 1.0 XML modlet


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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Lajosward said:

1.0 version seems to allow sneak attack bonus all the time as long as you are crouched. not sure is this was something intended or not.

Hi Lojosward,

Thank for the info. After reading you comment I tested the HiddenStrike extensively and it is working as intended. It isnt adding any xp when not hidden.

May I ask what you are seeing on the screen or what makes you feel that it's giving a bonus on each hit when crouched but not hidden?

Are you seeing the message "Sneak Damage Bonus xx"? That is a game message, not from this mod. In the 1.0 version, if you are wearing the right gear you can often be hidden/invisible to zombies when crouching even after hitting them. This will give you a 7DTD sneak bonus as well as the hidden strike bonus every time you hit them. The Learn By Use Hidden Strike only triggers when the games "Sneak Damage Bonus" code is triggered.

The learn by use HiddenStrike perk only displays a message when you level the perk up, not each time you hit something. ("Hidden Strike Skill Increased!") Is this the message you are seeing?


Edited by JoeSloeMoe (see edit history)
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Greetings, Joe!

I've played for a few weeks and tried a lot of things, and really glad things have been working flawlessly, the mod successfully recheck and reapplying progress even after several resets!


Your mod has inspired me to start trying to code my own as well, and I would love to be able to make it work as complimentary to yours in particular. Currently it is still a bit buggy (I can't figure out why) and looking at the code, I don't think it will conflict with HLBU, but if you don't mind may I send you the code, at least just to check if they could work together?

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Hi Adagio,

Yes, thats fine. If you start a thread in https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/40-discussion-and-requests/

We can share information. **I will not have an internet connection from tomorrow until next fri (2nd) so wont be able to respond until its back online.

If you can post an idea of what you are looking to do. Where you are having problems and post some of he code that you are working on we can take a look and sort it out.

If you post under the title "Need help with a mod" I can know which one it is. (after tomorrow evening, I just wont be able to reply until back online)


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On 7/18/2024 at 9:44 PM, JoeSloeMoe said:

Hi Lojosward,

Thank for the info. After reading you comment I tested the HiddenStrike extensively and it is working as intended. It isnt adding any xp when not hidden.

May I ask what you are seeing on the screen or what makes you feel that it's giving a bonus on each hit when crouched but not hidden?

Are you seeing the message "Sneak Damage Bonus xx"? That is a game message, not from this mod. In the 1.0 version, if you are wearing the right gear you can often be hidden/invisible to zombies when crouching even after hitting them. This will give you a 7DTD sneak bonus as well as the hidden strike bonus every time you hit them. The Learn By Use Hidden Strike only triggers when the games "Sneak Damage Bonus" code is triggered.

The learn by use HiddenStrike perk only displays a message when you level the perk up, not each time you hit something. ("Hidden Strike Skill Increased!") Is this the message you are seeing?


after it stopped happening after the next experimental update. it might have been something on their side. If i encounter it again i will make note of gear and try to recreate it. thank you for your time at looking into it. love the mod!

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Hi there, love this mod! It's causing a little conflict with another mod I use, PaLoALo-Titanium Mod. The Titanium mods adds an extra level to several perks:


<setattribute name="max_level" xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkMiner69r']">6</setattribute>
<setattribute name="max_level" xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkTheHuntsman']">6</setattribute>
<setattribute name="max_level" xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkMotherLode']">6</setattribute>
<setattribute name="max_level" xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkAdvancedEngineering']">6</setattribute>


Once I install Hybrid LBU, I can no longer page foward on these perks to see/select the level 6.



If I remove this line from windows.xml in LBU, the page forward works again for the other perks, but then I only get 4 levels per page:


<!--modify the window that displays the per level increment information - this changes the size for Perk Info a little as well-->
    <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/@hidden_entries_with_paging">0</set> <!--otherwise the 5th row wont show when the paging is showing-->


So, not expecting anyone to fix compatability for me, but asking - does anything come to mind why I would lose paging?




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Hi Lojosward,

Glad its working ok now. There were several things that appear to have been speeded up in experimental so they could test it I think. e.g. the progress for armour books seemed quite fast even though I had no points in the perks. I assume this is so they could test it quickly rather than waiting for everyone to level up while the devs wait to move from Exp to Live. Let me know if you encounter the issue again.


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Posted (edited)

Hi RippedWarrior,


>>does anything come to mind why I would lose paging?

The line item for the 5th entry is actually underneath the paging icon. When the 5th line is under the paging icon one or both wont work.

The line:

<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/@hidden_entries_with_paging">0</set>

Tells the system not to hide the last line (5) under the paging icon. When you tell the system not to superimpose the two together it will only display up to 4 line items and the rest on the next page so that it can fit them in. To fit 5 in a page I changed the height of the line entries so all 5 could fit in addition to the paging icon.


In the mod code, below the hidden_entries_with_paging line there is also this: (in windows.xml)

<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/rect/rect[@name='pagerBox']/@pos">3,-686</set> <!--was 639-->


<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/rect/rect[@name='tableBox']">


If you look through that bit of code, towards the bottom) you can see:

<grid rows="5" cols="1" pos="0,-46" width="644" cell_width="644" cell_height="73" repeat_content="true"> <!--was cell_height="80"-->
            <skill_perk_level width="646" height="73" /> <!--was 80-->

This is where I changed the height of the line entries so that all 5 would fit on the page in addition  to the paging icon.


The other thing is its hard to tell which mod is loading first - one may be overwriting the other for that piece of code.

You can try add the other 2 pieces of code (the <set> commands) that I have in the mod to the other mod to see if that helps: (dont know if the first line setting hidden_entries_with_paging to 0 is needed)

This may change the display to more of what you were expecting as it reduces the height of the line entries to fit 5 in a page.



<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/@hidden_entries_with_paging">0</set> <!--otherwise the 5th row wont show when the paging is showing-->
	<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/rect/rect[@name='pagerBox']/@pos">3,-686</set> <!--was 639-->
	<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/rect/rect[@name='tableBox']">
		<!--no changes unless marked-->
		<sprite depth="1" name="background" color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced"/>
		<sprite depth="5" pos="0,1" width="647" height="451" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />

		<rect name="tableHeader" pos="0,0" width="644" height="43">
			<sprite depth="1" name="background" color="[lightGrey]" type="sliced"/>
			<rect depth="1" pos="0,0" width="75" height="40">
				<sprite depth="0" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" height="46" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
				<label depth="1" pos="5,-23" text_key="xuiSkillLevel" pivot="left" justify="center" width="65" />
			<rect depth="1" pos="72,0" width="503" height="40">
				<sprite depth="0" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" height="46" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
				<label depth="1" pos="5,-23" text_key="xuiSkillUnlocks" pivot="left" justify="center" width="493" />
			<rect depth="1" pos="572,0" width="75" height="40">
				<sprite depth="0" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" height="46" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
				<label depth="1" pos="5,-23" text_key="xuiSkillBuy" pivot="left" justify="center" width="65" />
		<grid rows="5" cols="1" pos="0,-46" width="644" cell_width="644" cell_height="73" repeat_content="true"> <!--was cell_height="80"-->
			<skill_perk_level width="646" height="73" /> <!--was 80-->









Edited by JoeSloeMoe (see edit history)
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15 minutes ago, JoeSloeMoe said:

Hi RippedWarrior,


>>does anything come to mind why I would lose paging?

The line item for the 5th entry is actually underneath the paging icon. When the 5th line is under the paging icon one or both wont work.

The line:

<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/@hidden_entries_with_paging">0</set>

Tells the system not to hide the last line (5) under the paging icon. When you tell the system not to superimpose the two together it will only display up to 4 line items and the rest on the next page so that it can fit them in. To fit 5 in a page I changed the height of the line entries so all 5 could fit in addition to the paging icon.


In the mod code, below the hidden_entries_with_paging line there is also this: (in windows.xml)

<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/rect/rect[@name='pagerBox']/@pos">3,-686</set> <!--was 639-->


<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/rect/rect[@name='tableBox']">


If you look through that bit of code, towards the bottom) you can see:

<grid rows="5" cols="1" pos="0,-46" width="644" cell_width="644" cell_height="73" repeat_content="true"> <!--was cell_height="80"-->
            <skill_perk_level width="646" height="73" /> <!--was 80-->

This is where I changed the height of the line entries so that all 5 would fit on the page in addition  to the paging icon.


The other thing is its hard to tell which mod is loading first - one may be overwriting the other for that piece of code.

You can try add the other 2 pieces of code (the <set> commands) that I have in the mod to the other mod to see if that helps: (dont know if the first line setting hidden_entries_with_paging to 0 is needed)

This may change the display to more of what you were expecting as it reduces the height of the line entries to fit 5 in a page.



<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/@hidden_entries_with_paging">0</set> <!--otherwise the 5th row wont show when the paging is showing-->
	<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/rect/rect[@name='pagerBox']/@pos">3,-686</set> <!--was 639-->
	<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillPerkInfo']/rect/rect[@name='tableBox']">
		<!--no changes unless marked-->
		<sprite depth="1" name="background" color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced"/>
		<sprite depth="5" pos="0,1" width="647" height="451" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />

		<rect name="tableHeader" pos="0,0" width="644" height="43">
			<sprite depth="1" name="background" color="[lightGrey]" type="sliced"/>
			<rect depth="1" pos="0,0" width="75" height="40">
				<sprite depth="0" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" height="46" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
				<label depth="1" pos="5,-23" text_key="xuiSkillLevel" pivot="left" justify="center" width="65" />
			<rect depth="1" pos="72,0" width="503" height="40">
				<sprite depth="0" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" height="46" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
				<label depth="1" pos="5,-23" text_key="xuiSkillUnlocks" pivot="left" justify="center" width="493" />
			<rect depth="1" pos="572,0" width="75" height="40">
				<sprite depth="0" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" height="46" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
				<label depth="1" pos="5,-23" text_key="xuiSkillBuy" pivot="left" justify="center" width="65" />
		<grid rows="5" cols="1" pos="0,-46" width="644" cell_width="644" cell_height="73" repeat_content="true"> <!--was cell_height="80"-->
			<skill_perk_level width="646" height="73" /> <!--was 80-->









Thank you for this response. 

I did try reversing the order of loading for the 2 mods to no avail. The other mod does not have a windows.xml.

I guess what also vexes me is I can page forward on the LBU perks. 

I will try playing with these lines you gave me and see how it goes - Thanks! 

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Hello, this mod is very good. I have the same problèm has Rippedwarrior, when i launch game with this mod and server side perk plus the server side perk plus not appear. I think because the game interface won't be abble to put more than 7 icon but i'm not sure.

Best regard.

Edit: For me change the order of mod load don't work.

my error message when i wan't to click on the attribute button in game:

exc argumentoutofrangeexception: Index was out of range. Must be non -negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: Index

Edited by gesierfou (see edit history)
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15 hours ago, gesierfou said:

Hello, this mod is very good. I have the same problèm has Rippedwarrior, when i launch game with this mod and server side perk plus the server side perk plus not appear. I think because the game interface won't be abble to put more than 7 icon but i'm not sure.

Best regard.

Edit: For me change the order of mod load don't work.

my error message when i wan't to click on the attribute button in game:

exc argumentoutofrangeexception: Index was out of range. Must be non -negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: Index

Same, it doesn't work with the zombie loot overhaul thing either. :(

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20 hours ago, gesierfou said:

Hello, this mod is very good. I have the same problèm has Rippedwarrior, when i launch game with this mod and server side perk plus the server side perk plus not appear. I think because the game interface won't be abble to put more than 7 icon but i'm not sure.

Best regard.

Edit: For me change the order of mod load don't work.

my error message when i wan't to click on the attribute button in game:

exc argumentoutofrangeexception: Index was out of range. Must be non -negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: Index


4 hours ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

Same, it doesn't work with the zombie loot overhaul thing either. :(

The best I've seen so far for xml edits regarding the skill/perks section has been by Devrix and the crew at Sorcery mod.
They have it where the search bar is ABOVE the skill/perks and there are multiple rows of perks (because they have a lot for different magic lines and stuff) and works well with stacking other perks. You can edit it to have more going across or rows below, but it's really amazing how they did it.
You can check out the Xui/windows.xml from it yourself if you want. Sorcery Mod

I was really impressed with it and try to use that method with all game setups I play in 7DTD.

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Here, I'll show some examples of what I have while testing mods together.







Edit (sorry) I use a config file with the edited windows.xml (in the Config-XUI folder) at the end of my load list (named alpha-numerically to load last).
Currently using this code:


<!-- This is from Devrix and the Sorcery Mod crew. Its slightly changed in numbers but roughly the same -->

<!-- Perks Section -->

<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillList']/panel[@name='content']/rect[@name='categoryHeader']/panel/grid[@name='categories' and @cols='8']/@cols">16</set>

<!-- Perk Search Bar Up Top -->

<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillList']/panel[@name='content']/rect[@name='categoryHeader']/panel[@width='200']/@pos">160,47</set>


<!-- REDISTRIBUTION: The XML code of the Sorcery Mod may solely be redistributed within the 7 Days to Die community. Conditions of redistribution require this notice to remain in full, unmodified, and a direct link, with credit stated, to the original Mod and Author. You may not redistribute the digital Assets or works, aside from XML Code, of the Sorcery Mod. The Sorcery Mod itself should not be redistributed outside of its original distribution channels. -->


That's all thanks to Devrix and the Sorcery crew and how they set theirs up.
This also uses Dewtas 10 Perk Rows (for the info section on right).
Perks are:
CPPS-Perk Mastery (Combined)
Fallout Perks
Flogi's Perk Mod
Perk Plus v1.3
Zombie Hunter by Murlu
Jakmeister999's Mining Fury
Medic Perk
Juggernaut Perk 1.0a
EHQoL - Advanced Engineering Tweaks Omega
Black Wolf's Better Perks 6.0
Charismatic Nature Lord Edition
Martial Master Fist Perk Books
and some of Warezuk's incoporated stuff (I use his mods as the base of my mod set and add CTVI's packs). Only had to edit out CTVI's toolbelt from their "Slots" mod because I use SteelUI's 15 slot toolbelt.  Really liking SteelUI atm.

I do intend to add more perks and skills and see how they play out but looking good so far.

Edited by Brugas (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, Brugas said:

Here, I'll show some examples of what I have while testing mods together.

  Reveal hidden contents






Edit (sorry) I use a config file with the edited windows.xml (in the Config-XUI folder) at the end of my load list (named alpha-numerically to load last).
Currently using this code:

  Hide contents

<!-- This is from Devrix and the Sorcery Mod crew. Its slightly changed in numbers but roughly the same -->

<!-- Perks Section -->

<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillList']/panel[@name='content']/rect[@name='categoryHeader']/panel/grid[@name='categories' and @cols='8']/@cols">16</set>

<!-- Perk Search Bar Up Top -->

<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillList']/panel[@name='content']/rect[@name='categoryHeader']/panel[@width='200']/@pos">160,47</set>


<!-- REDISTRIBUTION: The XML code of the Sorcery Mod may solely be redistributed within the 7 Days to Die community. Conditions of redistribution require this notice to remain in full, unmodified, and a direct link, with credit stated, to the original Mod and Author. You may not redistribute the digital Assets or works, aside from XML Code, of the Sorcery Mod. The Sorcery Mod itself should not be redistributed outside of its original distribution channels. -->


That's all thanks to Devrix and the Sorcery crew and how they set theirs up.
This also uses Dewtas 10 Perk Rows (for the info section on right).
Perks are:
CPPS-Perk Mastery (Combined)
Fallout Perks
Flogi's Perk Mod
Perk Plus v1.3
Zombie Hunter by Murlu
Jakmeister999's Mining Fury
Medic Perk
Juggernaut Perk 1.0a
EHQoL - Advanced Engineering Tweaks Omega
Black Wolf's Better Perks 6.0
Charismatic Nature Lord Edition
Martial Master Fist Perk Books
and some of Warezuk's incoporated stuff (I use his mods as the base of my mod set and add CTVI's packs). Only had to edit out CTVI's toolbelt from their "Slots" mod because I use SteelUI's 15 slot toolbelt.  Really liking SteelUI atm.

I do intend to add more perks and skills and see how they play out but looking good so far.

I see this now, would it be possible for you to upload your config file here? 

Edited by MrSamuelAdams (see edit history)
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8 hours ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

I see this now, would it be possible for you to upload your config file here? 

For future reference, you can simply add those lines to the Config\XUi\windows.xml yourself for whatever file you have loading last OR...
Simply create your own. It's very small so it's real easy to copy/paste the above like so:





<!-- This is from Devrix and the Sorcery Mod crew. Its slightly changed in numbers but roughly the same -->


<!-- Perks Section --> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillList']/panel[@name='content']/rect[@name='categoryHeader']/panel/grid[@name='categories' and @cols='8']/@cols">16</set>


<!-- Perk Search Bar Up Top --> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowSkillList']/panel[@name='content']/rect[@name='categoryHeader']/panel[@width='200']/@pos">160,47</set>


<!-- REDISTRIBUTION: The XML code of the Sorcery Mod may solely be redistributed within the 7 Days to Die community. Conditions of redistribution require this notice to remain in full, unmodified, and a direct link, with credit stated, to the original Mod and Author. You may not redistribute the digital Assets or works, aside from XML Code, of the Sorcery Mod. The Sorcery Mod itself should not be redistributed outside of its original distribution channels. -->





You can create a modlet like that and name it in alpha-numeric fashion to load last.  Then make the name of it whatever you want with the alpha-numeric prefix to load last (zzz my mod, zz 99 my mod, zzz_22-MyMod, etc). 
Have inside that mod folder a modinfo.xml in this format (use a text file, copy/paste and fill in info then rename file and type from text.txt to Modinfo.xml) :



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- no lines of space up top, have this or the <xml> at top or it causes issues -->


<Name value=" " /> <!-- Give it a name, no spacing other than like underscore _ or it won't load right when checking modinfo files -->

<DisplayName value=" " /> <!-- I just copy/paste the name value here to avoid issues -->

<Description value=" " /> <!-- expanded details about the mod -->

<Author value=" " /> <!-- name of mod author or authors and contributors -->

<Version value="" /> <!-- new format wants versions to look like this.. not strings of numbers between the dots or letters, 1.1 -->

<Website value=" " /> <!-- use website to check on mod or for tools like Gears to show mod info and give links to the mods to check sites -->



Then have a folder for Config (make one). Then make one for XUi inside that Config folder.  Then make a text file inside that XUi. Open it and copy/paste the above code about Perks and Perk sections. Save and then rename the text file to windows.xml (make sure the file association suffix changes from .txt to .xml... you may have to enable viewing known file association in windows explorer to see file endings if you dont see it).

After that you should have your own little modlet to use.
(Or you can simply copy/paste to an existing Config\XUi\windows.xml file loading last (or near last) and put it right above the ending code line)

EDIT - give me  minute to fix edits, drinking coffee and waking up lol





<!-- all the other code of existing windows.xml file you are copy/pasting on to




end of all the code from existing windows.xml file before the end line -->


<!-- Paste the info right above the ending configs line but BELOW the last bits of other code above it -->


</configs> <!-- ending line, will match the very first one up top of file. The name may be different but functions the same. It coudld be named johnsfile or systemspecs or w/e -->


Edit 2 - See if this makes sense. Tried to fix some anomalies with pasting to forum.

Edited by Brugas (see edit history)
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27 minutes ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

So I made my own mod and it didn't work out. 


Probably cause I'm also using Steels UI which changes it a lot too. 


So idk if it can be done 😕

I use Steel UI as well. I just have my changes loading last in the load order.

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Do you have that in a ModFolderName\Config\XUi\windows.xml? And not as windows.txt? Hard to zoom in and see, but it looks right.
That's what I use and and I use War3zuks AIO packs (Main files plus Farm Life packs. Only one left out is zmx patch and the extra backpack options).
I then load Steel UI after it and it's optionals (like toolbelt).
I then have other mods in between and at the very end I have a combo mod of a bunch of single and tiny lines of xml edits put together that includes the same folders and file I listed above with those lines of code at the end.

Do you have anything else that affects HUDs and UI? Is that the very last file loading?

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здравствуете скачал ваш мод и он не хочет работать, даже не отображается на панели с перками, подскажите пожалуйста в чем может быть проблема 


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12 hours ago, Brugas said:

Do you have that in a ModFolderName\Config\XUi\windows.xml? And not as windows.txt? Hard to zoom in and see, but it looks right.
That's what I use and and I use War3zuks AIO packs (Main files plus Farm Life packs. Only one left out is zmx patch and the extra backpack options).
I then load Steel UI after it and it's optionals (like toolbelt).
I then have other mods in between and at the very end I have a combo mod of a bunch of single and tiny lines of xml edits put together that includes the same folders and file I listed above with those lines of code at the end.

Do you have anything else that affects HUDs and UI? Is that the very last file loading?

I dont have anything else effecting it just STEELs stuff. And I had it loading last. and it was a windows.xml. I'm not sure. It's okay!



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Posted (edited)

Just want to comment that I've not had internet access for the last week so have not seen these posts, I would have responded had I known.


Lots of good comments and will I'll sort it out. My first thought was to compress the search field but that would probably only add one more slot. The raised Search field is a better idea and I'll incorporate that into the mod very soon.  Also for the next release, I've added functionality where the more you use a tool/weapon the better you become at maintaining it. Each level of a perk decreases tool/weapon degradation rate by 1% (total 50%).



Edited by JoeSloeMoe (see edit history)
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I've fixed the issue. Underneath it all, it was just moving some ui elements around and fairly straightforward.

I will release the modified code this weekend after I perform a final test on the degradation code I previously added.

Pic of the ui changes - There are 5 additional tabs in the pic, the learn-by-use tab plus 4 dummy ones - there can now be a max 6 additional tabs in total (only 5 shown).  Pic shows testing the search for the word 'skill' and shows the pagination.





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Released the 1.1.1 version.

   - Fixed bug that affected Perk Tree bonuses for Harvest/Damage amounts.   

   - The more experienced you are with a tool/weapon the more you know how to maintain it. Each level of a LBU perk decreases associated tool/weapon degradation rate by 1% (total 50%).  Doesn't apply to the Hidden Strike or Demolition perks.  
   - Changed the layout of the Perk List Window. Moved the Search Field above the Perk Tabs. The tabs row now holds up to 6 additional tabs for compatibility with other mods that add tabs.

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