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City Tiles

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5 hours ago, HB_H4wk said:

On a recent map creation there's a small city but I would like to expand the size of it. Are there any tutorials on adding City Tiles in World Editor?

You could do it in the editor, but I'd recommend instead doing it by editing presets.xml.  I find that far easier as it just requires a little math.  For example, if you want to add a tile to the right of one that's there, just add a line with that tile's name and coordinates that have an X value of +150 compared to the one that's there and the same Y and Z values as that tile.  The time consuming part is adding the prefabs and parts, but if you want an easy option, generate a separate map and then grab the set of prefabs/parts that are found on a tile of the same name and copy/paste them to your prefabs.xml file.  Then you just need to adjust the X,Y,Z values, which is pretty easy.



Your tile's coordinates:  510, 20, -1330

The coordinates of the tile you're copying the prefabs and parts from:  720, 24, -1250


With those numbers, all prefabs and parts that are part of that tile will have their coordinates adjusted by:  -210, -4, -80


It does take a bit of time, but I find it is a lot easier than trying to mess with the World Editor.  That thing is so frustrating to use at times that it's easier to avoid it if you can.

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