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22 hours ago, theFlu said:

Dude, stop. I made a one-liner lame joke about the "min-maxer spreadsheets" all pointing to questing. It was a silly mental image of a greenbordered excel sheet with an unending "Go Quest" -column. Now you're berating me for being a tryhard, even when I'm here to advocate FOR removing quest spam as the ONLY thing to do in the game.


A few things. It's not your joke about a spreadsheet that I disagree with you. It is the way in which you continually (not just in this thread) characterize doing anything other than the most effective/easiest way to do things. I just don't agree that players must choose the optimal choice or they're not really playing. Your spreadsheet is funny and even more so now that I don't have to use my imagination.


Secondly, I'm not berating you for being a tryhard. The only thing I don't respect is anyone who knowingly makes choices to play in a way that will ruin the game for themself and then complain about it. People who want to min/max and have fun and enjoy their playstyle....I am happy for them. I would never berate them for doing something that makes them happy. So however you like to play is fine by me and I wouldn't berate you for that.


Finally, you keep missing my point: There is no NEED to remove quest spam as the ONLY thing to do in the game because it isn't the ONLY thing to do in the game. I disagree with the entire premise of your advocacy. I mean, if they want to adjust things so you cannot spam quests and are forced to do them more infrequently that's not going to affect me much since I already do them less frequently by choice. But there will be a lot of people who enjoy spam questing and don't have all the hangups about doing it that you do who will be upset because then they will be forced to change how they play.


22 hours ago, theFlu said:

Give back natural water, unbind crafting from spamlooting, does that change the min max AT ALL? Do I care? I want those things so I can enjoy my chilliest playthroughs, that I've enjoyed the most about the game; slooowly progressing through building a massive fortress in the middle of nowhere. The chill playstyle I enjoy has been made IMPOSSIBLE by the changes introduced in A21.


If it was so chill it wouldn't be made impossible by the changes in A21. A massive fortress in the middle of nowhere might indeed be too challenging a task to do from the moment you spawn in on Day one. But, I have to say, that a massive fortress in the middle of nowhere sounds more like an endgame base to me. Why should someone be able to start on something like that from the very start of the game which is all about progressing from weakness to strength. If you really are playing a chill game what is wrong with building up your skills and strength for a few weeks and then move to the remote wilderness and build that massive fortress? The fact that you were able to build something like that from day one in the past seems kind of an exploit that bypasses the natural progression of creating better and better shelter as the capability to do so is attained.


There are indeed problems with the current progression and I acknowledge that traders are OP and easy to rely upon compared to other methods to get the things you need. But I disagree that anyone is forced to choose the trader and questing to solve everything. I literally play in a way that, to me, feels more natural than just spamming quests and I'm having fun and the trader and questing is just one aspect of the game for me. So just don't believe it when someone claims that quest spamming is the only way. I've proven time and again it is not. But your response to me choosing to keep the traders to a minimum influence in my game is that I'm just faffing around. I don't know what that means if it doesn't mean to you that I could just have that concrete today if I use the trader instead of a few weeks if I wait to be able to build a mixer, and craft the stuff for myself and I'd be a fool for not just getting today because any other choice is idiocy. Nah, its just chill. I'm fine with using a cobblestone and wood base until I can get the concrete mixer myself later.


The problem is that if TFP does as you advocate and nerf traders and questing down to be about the same ease and efficiency as using other methods, there will still be one method that the min/maxers will quickly discover is the best and that will be the new touchstone for complaints. It won't be the same people who complain about the traders today since the thing they disliked got nerfed and they can ignore them and maybe the new thing is more to their liking. No, it will be whoever feels they must go for the easiest and most effective method and when they see that it is something they aren't particularly fond of doing but now they're going to have to spam it, they will complain that TFP has made their playstyle impossible because they have no choice but to spam whatever it is. Unfortunately this isn't mere speculation either. It is history. 



22 hours ago, theFlu said:

Dude, stop. I made a one-liner lame joke about the "min-maxer spreadsheets" all pointing to questing. It was a silly mental image of a greenbordered excel sheet with an unending "Go Quest" -column. Now you're berating me for being a tryhard, even when I'm here to advocate FOR removing quest spam as the ONLY thing to do in the game.


A few things. It's not your joke about a spreadsheet that I disagree with you. It is the way in which you continually (not just in this thread) characterize doing anything other than the most effective/easiest way to do things. I just don't agree that players must choose the optimal choice or they're not really playing. Your spreadsheet is funny and even more so now that I don't have to use my imagination.


Secondly, I'm not berating you for being a tryhard. The only thing I don't respect is anyone who knowingly makes choices to play in a way that will ruin the game for themself and then complain about it. People who want to min/max and have fun and enjoy their playstyle....I am happy for them. I would never berate them for doing something that makes them happy. So however you like to play is fine by me and I wouldn't berate you for that.


Finally, you keep missing my point: There is no NEED to remove quest spam as the ONLY thing to do in the game because it isn't the ONLY thing to do in the game. I disagree with the entire premise of your advocacy. I mean, if they want to adjust things so you cannot spam quests and are forced to do them more infrequently that's not going to affect me much since I already do them less frequently by choice. But there will be a lot of people who enjoy spam questing and don't have all the hangups about doing it that you do who will be upset because then they will be forced to change how they play.


22 hours ago, theFlu said:

Give back natural water, unbind crafting from spamlooting, does that change the min max AT ALL? Do I care? I want those things so I can enjoy my chilliest playthroughs, that I've enjoyed the most about the game; slooowly progressing through building a massive fortress in the middle of nowhere. The chill playstyle I enjoy has been made IMPOSSIBLE by the changes introduced in A21.


If it was so chill it wouldn't be made impossible by the changes in A21. A massive fortress in the middle of nowhere might indeed be too challenging a task to do from the moment you spawn in on Day one. But, I have to say, that a massive fortress in the middle of nowhere sounds more like an endgame base to me. Why should someone be able to start on something like that from the very start of the game which is all about progressing from weakness to strength. If you really are playing a chill game what is wrong with building up your skills and strength for a few weeks and then move to the remote wilderness and build that massive fortress? The fact that you were able to build something like that from day one in the past seems kind of an exploit that bypasses the natural progression of creating better and better shelter as the capability to do so is attained.


There are indeed problems with the current progression and I acknowledge that traders are OP and easy to rely upon compared to other methods to get the things you need. But I disagree that you anyone is forced to choose the trader and questing to solve everything. I literally play in a way that, to me, feels more natural than just spamming quests and I'm having fun and the trader and questing is just one aspect of the game for me. So just don't believe it when someone claims that quest spamming is the only way. I've proven time and again it is not. But your response to me choosing to keep the traders to a minimum influence in my game is that I'm just faffing around. I don't know what that means if it doesn't mean to you that I could just have that concrete today if I use the trader instead of a few weeks if I wait to be able to build a mixer, and craft the stuff for myself and I'd be a fool for not just getting today because any other choice is idiocy. Nah, its just chill. I'm fine with using a cobblestone and wood base until I can get the concrete mixer myself later.


The problem is that if TFP does as you advocate and nerf traders and questing down to be about the same ease and efficiency as using other methods, there will still be one method that the min/maxers will quickly discover is the best and that will be the new touchstone for complaints. It won't be the same people who complain about the traders today since the thing they disliked got nerfed and they can ignore them and maybe the new thing is more to their liking. No, it will be whoever feels they must go for the easiest and most effective method and when they see that it is something they aren't particularly fond of doing but now they're going to have to spam it, they will complain that TFP has made their playstyle impossible because they have no choice but to spam whatever it is. Unfortunately this isn't mere speculation either. It is history. 



21 hours ago, theFlu said:

Dude, stop. I made a one-liner lame joke about the "min-maxer spreadsheets" all pointing to questing. It was a silly mental image of a greenbordered excel sheet with an unending "Go Quest" -column. Now you're berating me for being a tryhard, even when I'm here to advocate FOR removing quest spam as the ONLY thing to do in the game.


A few things. It's not your joke about a spreadsheet that I disagree with you. It is the way in which you continually (not just in this thread) characterize doing anything other than the most effective/easiest way to do things. I just don't agree that players must choose the optimal choice or they're not really playing. Your spreadsheet is funny and even more so now that I don't have to use my imagination.


Secondly, I'm not berating you for being a tryhard. The only thing I don't respect is anyone who knowingly makes choices to play in a way that will ruin the game for themself and then complain about it. People who want to min/max and have fun and enjoy their playstyle....I am happy for them. I would never berate them for doing something that makes them happy. So however you like to play is fine by me and I wouldn't berate you for that.


Finally, you keep missing my point that there is no need to remove quest spam as the ONLY thing to do in the game because it isn't the ONLY thing to do in the game. I disagree with the entire premise of your advocacy. I mean, if they want to adjust things so you cannot spam quests and are forced to do them more infrequently that's not going to affect me much since I already do them less frequently by choice. But there will be a lot of people who enjoy spam questing and don't have all the hangups about doing it that you do who will be upset because then they will be forced to change how they play.


22 hours ago, theFlu said:

Give back natural water, unbind crafting from spamlooting, does that change the min max AT ALL? Do I care? I want those things so I can enjoy my chilliest playthroughs, that I've enjoyed the most about the game; slooowly progressing through building a massive fortress in the middle of nowhere. The chill playstyle I enjoy has been made IMPOSSIBLE by the changes introduced in A21.


If it was so chill it wouldn't be made impossible by the changes in A21. A massive fortress in the middle of nowhere might indeed be too challenging a task to do from the moment you spawn in on Day one. But, I have to say, that a massive fortress in the middle of nowhere sounds more like an endgame base to me. Why should someone be able to start on something like that from the very start of the game which is all about progressing from weakness to strength. If you really are playing a chill game what is wrong with building up your skills and strength for a few weeks and then move to the remote wilderness and build that massive fortress? The fact that you were able to build something like that from day one in the past seems kind of an exploit that bypasses the natural progression of creating better and better shelter as the capability to do so is attained.


There are indeed problems with the current progression and I acknowledge that traders are OP and easy to rely upon compared to other methods to get the things you need. But I disagree that you anyone is forced to choose the trader and questing to solve everything. I literally play in a way that, to me, feels more natural than just spamming quests and I'm having fun and the trader and questing is just one aspect of the game for me. So just don't believe it when someone claims that quest spamming is the only way. I've proven time and again it is not. But your response to me choosing to keep the traders to a minimum influence in my game is that I'm just faffing around. I don't know what that means if it doesn't mean to you that I could just have that concrete today if I use the trader instead of a few weeks if I wait to be able to build a mixer, and craft the stuff for myself and I'd be a fool for not just getting today because any other choice is idiocy. Nah, its just chill. I'm fine with using a cobblestone and wood base until I can get the concrete mixer myself later.


The problem is that if TFP does as you advocate and nerf traders and questing down to be about the same ease and efficiency as using other methods, there will still be one method that the min/maxers will quickly discover is the best and that will be the new touchstone for complaints. It won't be the same people who complain about the traders today since the thing they disliked got nerfed and they can ignore them and maybe the new thing is more to their liking. No, it will be whoever feels they must go for the easiest and most effective method and when they see that it is something they aren't particularly fond of doing but now they're going to have to spam it, they will complain that TFP has made their playstyle impossible because they have no choice but to spam whatever it is. Unfortunately this isn't mere speculation either. It is history. 

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