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5 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

The stamina penalties kick in at 75/50/25 percent thirst, if I understand correctly. 

Yeh, just did a little test in my test world (old world, patch 21.2 b30), can confirm that 75% & 50% seem correct, 50% having halved your regen. At 50% you also get a small reduction to your Max sta.


Kinda just saying, don't aim for "not getting hurt by the lack", more like "Am I going to need sta? => Drink" kind of deal.. helped me :) Carrying the water in the bottle isn't going to be consuming it any slower than having it in your gut, so unless you plan on getting lit on fire, you should have little reason to wait.


2 hours ago, meganoth said:

Dividing up into single player in this case would mean everyone had to go to a different town and use a different trader to get an advantage from it, not just run to a different POI.

Well, my main point was that "balancing a broken system won't help".. but indeed; it might not be a "multiplayer experience to aim for", but it will always be possible (unless they implement some new mechanics to hinder groups from splitting up). If it came down to actually Having to split down to a trader per player for reasonable success, I'd argue the traders need a hefty nerf and the world a buff ;)


2 hours ago, meganoth said:

I would be glad if there was a more interesting problem to solve, crafting 500 jars is not my idea of "more interesting" though.

Yeap, we're agreeing on this part.


EDIT: "might not BE"



3 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

The stamina penalties kick in at 75/50/25 percent thirst, if I understand correctly. 

Yeh, just did a little test in my test world (old world, patch 21.2 b30), can confirm that 75% & 50% seem correct, 50% having halved your regen. At 50% you also get a small reduction to your Max sta.


Kinda just saying, don't aim for "not getting hurt by the lack", more like "Am I going to need sta? => Drink" kind of deal.. helped me :) Carrying the water in the bottle isn't going to be consuming it any slower than having it in your gut, so unless you plan on getting lit on fire, you should have little reason to wait.


24 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Dividing up into single player in this case would mean everyone had to go to a different town and use a different trader to get an advantage from it, not just run to a different POI.

Well, my main point was that "balancing a broken system won't help".. but indeed; it might not a "multiplayer experience to aim for", but it will always be possible (unless they implement some new mechanics to hinder groups from splitting up). If it came down to actually Having to split down to a trader per player for reasonable success, I'd argue the traders need a hefty nerf and the world a buff ;)


29 minutes ago, meganoth said:

I would be glad if there was a more interesting problem to solve, crafting 500 jars is not my idea of "more interesting" though.

Yeap, we're agreeing on this part.

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