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On 12/31/2023 at 11:32 AM, SylenThunder said:

If you want to report a bug, there is a big red banner at the top of the forum.


Honestly though, this game isn't designed to support PvP gameplay. IMHO it shouldn't have ever been enabled as this is a co-op focused game. Devs catered to the loud few though.

The loud few?  The whole reason I bought this game at alpha 15 in the first place was because it had 2 things:

1: Larger multiplayer servers

2: PvP servers (although I often play on larger PvE servers with my wife)


I will never play a solo playthrough or be part of a server that only supports 8.  It bores me and it isn't how I like to play the game.


That being said I think it's fair to be disappointed with the rug pulled out from under me.  Yeah, it's early access blah blah, no promises, blah blah.  It's just  sad to see something with so much potential in these areas ignored.  It really wouldn't take much to optimize this game a little bit to make the larger servers more viable.  It's 2024 for crying out loud, a 2 man dev team could probably whip it up in a few days.  People would flock back to multiplayer, especially PvE if it was fixed and advertised.



On 12/31/2023 at 11:32 AM, SylenThunder said:

If you want to report a bug, there is a big red banner at the top of the forum.


Honestly though, this game isn't designed to support PvP gameplay. IMHO it shouldn't have ever been enabled as this is a co-op focused game. Devs catered to the loud few though.

The loud few?  The whole reason I bought this game at alpha 15 in the first place was because it had 2 things:

1: Larger multiplayer servers

2: PvP servers (although I often play on larger PvE servers with my wife)


I will never play a solo playthrough or be part of a server that only supports 8.  It bores me and it isn't how I like to play the game.


That being said I think it's fair to be disappointed with the rug pulled out from under me.  Yeah, it's early access blah blah, no promises, blah blah.  It's just  sad to see something with so much potential in these areas ignored.

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