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Added example

7 hours ago, FramFramson said:

Using the expanded weapons rare item mod and it feels a bit silly to get quality 1 versions (even though that no longer affects mod slots), especially since they're extremely rare. Is there a way to force these to only drop with maximum quality?

You can, just need to create a custom loot quality distribution table for them


As an example, adding a new loot table for Q6 gear only in T5 POI hardened chests:


    <append xpath="//lootqualitytemplates[10]">
            <lootqualitytemplate name="QLT5POI">
                <qualitytemplate level="0,999999" default_quality="6">
                    <loot quality="6" prob="1"/>


and then make sure the corresponding loot groups have this new loot quality template


        <lootgroup name="groupT2RangeWeaponsTier5POI" loot_quality_template="QLT5POI">
            <item name="gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle"/>
            <item name="gunShotgunT2PumpShotgun"/>
            <item name="gunMGT2TacticalAR"/>
            <item name="gunHandgunT2Magnum44"/>
            <item name="gunBotT2JunkTurret"/>




6 hours ago, FramFramson said:

Using the expanded weapons rare item mod and it feels a bit silly to get quality 1 versions (even though that no longer affects mod slots), especially since they're extremely rare. Is there a way to force these to only drop with maximum quality?

You can, just need to create a custom loot quality distribution table for them

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