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topic moved to modding suggestions.

21 minutes ago, TorQueMoD said:

What's the harm? Not only is it a single line of code that you simply copy and paste in, but if something DID go wrong, you just validate the files on Steam and it will re-download the original file. Not to mention if you use Notepad++ to edit the file, it will automatically create a backup of the original for you. Don't be afraid to mod things. It's really fun and liberating!


I have a full on volume of information as to my love/hate relationship with modding/modders/mods.   But I can tell you from my own personal standpoint, I do not find modding to be fun nor liberating for me at all.  I find it a tedious band aid fix that may or may not even address the issues I tend to have.


As for a brief summary on the positives, the mods or overhauls i like I REALLY like.  I keep them around as long as they are supported.  I can count these mods across all my owned games on just one hand.  It's that small of a window for me.


EDIT: And now I see why I hadn't messed with this thread in a while, so I'm going to unsub from the discussion.




11 minutes ago, TorQueMoD said:

What's the harm? Not only is it a single line of code that you simply copy and paste in, but if something DID go wrong, you just validate the files on Steam and it will re-download the original file. Not to mention if you use Notepad++ to edit the file, it will automatically create a backup of the original for you. Don't be afraid to mod things. It's really fun and liberating!


I have a full on volume of information as to my love/hate relationship with modding/modders/mods.   But I can tell you from my own personal standpoint, I do not find modding to be fun nor liberating for me at all.  I find it a tedious band aid fix that may or may not even address the issues I tend to have.


As for a brief summary on the positives, the mods or overhauls i like I REALLY like.  I keep them around as long as they are supported.  I can count these mods across all my owned games on just one hand.  It's that small of a window for me.


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