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1 hour ago, theFlu said:

Why? Why would players of Valheim expect it to be a "correct" survival simulation as it never has been nor tried to be? For one, you won't die or suffer for not eating.

And how is that related to 7dtd first having a fundamental get-water-from-lake-and-clean-it -mechanic and then removing it? It's just a distraction from the OP's point about basic survival.

Valheim can do and be whatever they want; they seem to have done their work right for not having a silly discussion about icon realism. This thread here was not about icon realism until you started forcing it in. ("icon realism": the only place where Valheim refers to any "plates" is in the icons)


Damn. This still needs a reply.


Can't check right now, but probably the only place where 7 days to die currently refers to jars is in the name "jar of water" which they probably kept to reference the quantity, or forgot to change or most likely thought it totally unneccesary to change. And if that were the only problem TFP would probably have no qualms changing that to say "pint of water" or "water". Is that what you need for your realism? It would be the request most likely to succeed from all we discussed and may be even on their to-do list for further polishing, who knows?


While you are at it maybe give the Valheim devs the hint they should rename their "meat platter" as that might lead to discussions, not that I think it would.


Valheim players need food as much or even more as 7 days to die players need a weapon. Playing without is just a theoretical option for people who have finished a Mario Brothers game using only their nose or killed the end boss of skyrim in under 10 minutes, for bragging rights.


I have not played many survival games but any I have played had very different mechanics, there is no universal requirement for survival games to have a "find container, get water" mechanic.

And as we know TFP doesn't listen to "but this was once in the game but then they removed it" arguments and I don't care about past alphas and their rules as well. 7d2d had so many mechanics that were tried but are no more, if that disturbs you I can give you the old "Wait for the game to release, don't play alpha" treatment.


This brings us back to your question "Why would players of Valheim expect it to be a "correct" survival simulation as it never has been nor tried to be?" to which I ask back why do you expect 7d2d to be a correct survival simulation? Only if 7d2d tried to be a simulation would there be a need to simulate what a survivor had to do in real life as closely as possible. Neither valheim nor 7d2d claim to do that. Neither need empty jars nor empty platters or bowls to be survival games.






1 hour ago, theFlu said:

Why? Why would players of Valheim expect it to be a "correct" survival simulation as it never has been nor tried to be? For one, you won't die or suffer for not eating.

And how is that related to 7dtd first having a fundamental get-water-from-lake-and-clean-it -mechanic and then removing it? It's just a distraction from the OP's point about basic survival.

Valheim can do and be whatever they want; they seem to have done their work right for not having a silly discussion about icon realism. This thread here was not about icon realism until you started forcing it in. ("icon realism": the only place where Valheim refers to any "plates" is in the icons)


Damn. This still needs a reply.


Can't check right now, but probably the only place where 7 days to die currently refers to jars is in the name "jar of water" which they probably kept to reference the quantity, or forgot to change or most likely thought it totally unneccesary to change. And if that were the only problem TFP would probably have no qualms changing that to say "pint of water" or "water". Is that what you need for your realism? It would be the request most likely to succeed from all we discussed and may be even on their to-do list for further polishing, who knows?


While you are at it maybe give the Valheim devs the hint they should rename their "meat platter" as that might lead to discussions, not that I think it would.


Valheim players need food as much or even more as 7 days to die players need a weapon. Playing without is just a theoretical option for people who have finished a Mario Brothers game using only their nose or killed the end boss of skyrim in under 10 minutes, for bragging rights.


I have not played many survival games but any I have played had very different mechanics, there is no universal requirement for survival games to have a "find container, get water" mechanic.

And as we know TFP doesn't listen to "but this was once in the game but then they removed it" arguments and I don't care about past alphas and their rules as well. 7d2d had so many mechanics that were tried but are no more, if that disturbs you I can give you the old "Wait for the game to release, don't play alpha" treatment.


This brings us back to your question "Why would players of Valheim expect it to be a "correct" survival simulation as it never has been nor tried to be?" to which I ask back why do you expect 7d2d to be a correct survival simulation? Only if 7d2d tried to be a simulation would there be a need to simulate what a survivor had to do in real life as closely as possible. Neither valheim nor 7d2d claim to do that. Neither need empty jars nor empty platters, bowls to be survival games.






45 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Why? Why would players of Valheim expect it to be a "correct" survival simulation as it never has been nor tried to be? For one, you won't die or suffer for not eating.

And how is that related to 7dtd first having a fundamental get-water-from-lake-and-clean-it -mechanic and then removing it? It's just a distraction from the OP's point about basic survival.

Valheim can do and be whatever they want; they seem to have done their work right for not having a silly discussion about icon realism. This thread here was not about icon realism until you started forcing it in. ("icon realism": the only place where Valheim refers to any "plates" is in the icons)


Damn. This still needs a reply.


Can't check right now, but probably the only place where 7 days to die currently refers to jars is in the name "jar of water" which they probably kept to reference the quantity, or forgot to change or most likely thought it totally unneccesary to change. And if that were the only problem TFP would probably have no qualms changing that to say "pint of water" or "water". Is that what you need for your realism? It would be the request most likely to succeed from all we discussed and maybe is even on their to-do list for further polishing, who knows?


While you are at it maybe give the Valheim devs the hint they should rename their "meat platter" as that might lead to discussions, not that I think it would.


Valheim players need food as much or even more as 7 days to die players need a weapon. Playing without is just a theoretical option for people who have finished a Mario Brothers game using only their nose or killed the end boss of skyrim in under 10 minutes.


I have not played many survival games but any I have played had very different mechanics, there is no universal requirement for survival games to have a "find container, get water" mechanic.

And as we know TFP doesn't listen to "but this was once in the game but then they removed it" arguments and I don't care about about past alphas and their rules as well. 7d2d had so many things mechanics that were tried but are no more, if that disturbs you I can give you the old "Wait for the game to release, don't play alpha" treatment.


This brings us back to your question "Why would players of Valheim expect it to be a "correct" survival simulation as it never has been nor tried to be?" to which I ask back why do you expect 7d2d to be a correct survival simulation? Only if 7d2d tried to be a simulation would there be a need to simulate what a survivor had to do in real life as closely as possible. Neither valheim nor 7d2d claim to do that. Neither need empty jars nor empty platters, bowls to be survival games.




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