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Meth, or: Jesse, we need to COOK.


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We got beakers, now let's add tweakers. Sure, we have goldenrod tea, but I want to cook up drugs. A little heroin from cooking down painkillers.... Some crystal meth from gasoline, goldenrod, and potassium nitrate... Maybe some magic mushrooms to be found... Maybe some adderall in the medicine cabinets... The chemistry system is under utilized, and a lot of these could very easily be implemented. I hope the devs, or perhaps some crafty modder, comes up with it.
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We should make it as realistic as possible. Overdoses. Hallucinations (Zombies look twice as big, do five times more damage, maybe more menacing models, Spiders that appear and crawl all over your face). Your character no longer responds to input. Randomly starts eating inventory without your input. Screen goes black (Black outs, can last for hours or days). Drops backpack and you wake up somewhere 30KM away. Maybe we can put bath salts in to turn your character into a zombie too! Zombies wouldn't be the wiser. Your characters face gets infected from him scratching. You start losing teeth and health over time constantly until your max health is about 1. Yeah. Drugs are exactly what you would need to survive a zombie apocalypse more successfully.
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[QUOTE=Coovargo;132364] Yeah. Drugs are exactly what you would need to survive a zombie apocalypse more successfully.[/QUOTE] Well put. Might as well add cannabis plants as well. They can be broken down into hemp and bud. Hemp can be used to make rope, cloth, hemp concrete, etc. The bud could be combined with paper and smoked -- not sure what effects it would cause other than hunger and dehydration lol.
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