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7 hours ago, Jack_Z said:

I'm absolutely sure this has been addressed at least once, but as a single-player, I can't stand the scripted hoards in the level 5 and 6 POIs. I just avoid them, now. Scripting these triggers is just lazy and destroys the fun of using stealth to clear a POI for a mission. Is this the general consensus? Do the devs plan on changing this somehow?


The general consensus is that you're not meant to rely too much upon any particular play style, and this includes stealth.   The downside of scripting triggers is that yeah, it makes the quest more difficult.  The upside is that once you understand what the triggers are, you can use that to your advantage.


But, fear not! - In addition to the advice above, i've got tips of my own.   The most number one overlooked aspect of this game is construction.  People only seem to remember this exists when they are constructing/converting a base, but they don't think often about this during POI's.   Mines, wooden spike traps, upgraded blocks, crafted doors, and making your own exits that the zeds can't use all help.    Use the terrain to your advantage, and once you bust up the offending meat grinder, go back to stealth.  This is where builds like INT shine because they are the kings of area denial.


But shhhhhh, don't tell Scyris or well have another salty 20 page thread about how stealth is broken.



7 hours ago, Jack_Z said:

I'm absolutely sure this has been addressed at least once, but as a single-player, I can't stand the scripted hoards in the level 5 and 6 POIs. I just avoid them, now. Scripting these triggers is just lazy and destroys the fun of using stealth to clear a POI for a mission. Is this the general consensus? Do the devs plan on changing this somehow?


The general consensus is that you're not meant to rely too much upon any particular play style, and this includes stealth.   The downside of scripting triggers is that yeah, it makes the quest more difficult.  The upside is that once you understand what the triggers are, you can use that to your advantage.


But, fear not! - I'll tell you how these things can be overcome!   The most number one overlooked aspect of this game is construction.  People only seem to remember this exists when they are constructing/converting a base, but they don't think often about this during POI's.   Mines, wooden spike traps, upgraded blocks, crafted doors, and making your own exits that the zeds can't use all help.    Use the terrain to your advantage, and once you bust up the offending meat grinder, go back to stealth.  This is where builds like INT shine because they are the kings of area denial.


But shhhhhh, don't tell Scyris or well have another salty 20 page thread about how stealth is broken.



7 hours ago, Jack_Z said:

I'm absolutely sure this has been addressed at least once, but as a single-player, I can't stand the scripted hoards in the level 5 and 6 POIs. I just avoid them, now. Scripting these triggers is just lazy and destroys the fun of using stealth to clear a POI for a mission. Is this the general consensus? Do the devs plan on changing this somehow?


The general consensus is that you're not meant to rely too much upon any particular play style, and this includes stealth.   The downside of scripting triggers is that yeah, it makes the quest more difficult.  The upside is that once you understand what the triggers are, you can use that to your advantage.


But, fear not - and I'll tell you how these things can be overcome.   The most number one overlooked aspect of this game is construction.  People only seem to remember this exists when they are constructing/converting a base, but they don't think about this during POI's.   Mines, wooden spike traps, blocks and making your own exits that the zeds can't use all help.    Use the terrain to your advantage, and once you break the impending meat grinder, go back to stealth.


But shhhhhh, don't tell Scyris or well have another salty 20 page thread about how stealth is broken.

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