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Some people don't like double looting.

Some people do.


I prefer to think that If I am going to do the work of looting a POI, then its location and its potential for being a quest location is not a consideration for me.   I also would caution you to remember that looting in the wild is perfectly logical and worthwhile, and that the loot can still be RNG no matter what.   The fact that the same POI in the same location is not objectionable to me, considering if the same POI were across the street, and the same on the other is the quest POI, then the only difference is that one offers a trader reward and the other does not.  


Again, and I can't stress this enough - try not to go out on a limb and suggest changes that are universal when there's plenty of people that are just as happy to leave things alone.  You can have an opinion about something, but don't go forcing a consequence on others because of that opinion.  Based upon your posting history, I don't think you've realized yet how rude that is.




Some people don't like double looting.

Some people do.


I prefer to think that If I am going to do the work of looting a POI, then its location and its potential for being a quest location is not a consideration for me.   I also would caution you to remember that looting in the wild is perfectly logical and worthwhile, and that the loot can still be RNG no matter what.   The fact that the same POI in the same location is not objectionable to me, considering if the same POI were across the street, and the same on the other is the quest POI, then the only difference is that one offers a trader reward and the other does not.  


Again, and I can't stress this enough - try not to go out on a limb and suggest changes that are universal when there's plenty of people that are just as happy to leave things alone.  You can have an opinion about something, but don't go forcing a consequence on others because of that opinion.  Based upon your posting history, I don't think you've realized yet how rude that can be.




Some people don't like double looting.

Some people do.


I prefer to think that If I am going to do the work of looting a POI, then its location and its potential for being a quest location is not a consideration for me.   I also would caution you to remember that looting in the wild is perfectly logical and worthwhile, and that the loot can still be RNG no matter what.   The fact that the same POI in the same location is not objectionable to me, considering if the same POI were across the street, and the same on the other is the quest POI, then the only difference is that one offers a trader reward and the other does not.  


Again, and I can't stress this enough - try not to go out on a limb and suggest changes that are universal when there's plenty of people that are just as happy to leave things alone.  You can have an opinion about something, but don't go forcing a consequence on others because of that opinion.  It's rude.




Some people don't like double looting.

Some people do.


I prefer to think that If I am going to do the work of looting a POI, then its location and its potential for being a quest location is not a consideration for me.   I also would caution you to remember that looting in the wild is perfectly logical and worthwhile, and that the loot can still be RNG no matter what.   The fact that the same POI in the same location is not objectionable to me, considering if the same POI were across the street, then what's the difference?


Again, and I can't stress this enough - try not to go out on a limb and suggest changes that are universal when there's plenty of people that are just as happy to leave things alone.  You can have an opinion about something, but don't go forcing a consequence on others because of that opinion.  It's rude.


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