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1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

Maybe I'm just particularly slow, but I don't manage to complete more than 1-2 quests a day in the first week. Whether it's a fetch quest or a clear quest, I always loot the whole POI. I know that is inefficient but I don't care.


Well I do the same, and in my MP group we also loot the whole POI. And I would say SP I can do nearly 2 quests a day on average. And you can multiply that by 2 with a group. It also depends on the difficulty level you set and other factors (like how much time you use for base building, how much of that time is done in the night, and how completely you wrench down a poi or whether you delegate some of that to the night)


1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

Priorities for the first week are finding or building a safe base, getting water and food supplies, setup production and building a horde base for the first few hordes.

Later, I usually build a base for the endgame hordes or expand the first horde base. This usually takes a few days or even weeks, so I don't do any quests during that time. So on average I do one quest a day.


Yeah well, I said you are different type of player. I don't think many players use dedicated weeks for building a horde base.


1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

The question is, what would be a fair reward for the amount of effort it takes to clear a T5 POI? At the start of A21, the quest rewards for T4, T5 and T6 were no better than T3. People were complaining. No one was motivated to do higher quests.


No surprise, the rewards for T1-3 are already too much, so to motivate players to do T4-T5 those need OP rewards as well.


The rewards have a reason, to get players to quest together there is this additional reward for each player besides the loot. I still would assume that for example with half that bonus on top players would do quests together, since there is also the increased speed and safety. A balance thing.

And if they can't get low enough with the rewards then the second option is always to slow down the tier advancement or actually make quests per day limited. Or make reward quality dependant on your level so you can't outrace your main progression.





1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

Maybe I'm just particularly slow, but I don't manage to complete more than 1-2 quests a day in the first week. Whether it's a fetch quest or a clear quest, I always loot the whole POI. I know that is inefficient but I don't care.


Well I do the same, and in my MP group we also loot the whole POI. And I would say SP I can do nearly 2 quests a day on average. And you can multiply that by 2 with a group. It also depends on the difficulty level you set and other factors (like how much time you use for base building, how much of that time is done in the night, and how completely you wrench down a poi or whether you delegate some of that to the night)


1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

Priorities for the first week are finding or building a safe base, getting water and food supplies, setup production and building a horde base for the first few hordes.

Later, I usually build a base for the endgame hordes or expand the first horde base. This usually takes a few days or even weeks, so I don't do any quests during that time. So on average I do one quest a day.


Yeah well, I said you are different type of player. I don't think many players use dedicated weeks for building a horde base.


1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

The question is, what would be a fair reward for the amount of effort it takes to clear a T5 POI? At the start of A21, the quest rewards for T4, T5 and T6 were no better than T3. People were complaining. No one was motivated to do higher quests.


No surprise, the rewards for T1-3 are already too much, so to motivate players to do T4-T5 those need OP rewards as well.


The rewards have a reason, to get players to quest together there is this additional reward for each player besides the loot. I still would assume that for example with half that bonus on top players would do quests together, since there is also the increased speed and safety. A balance thing.

And if they can't get low enough with the rewards then the second option is always to slow down the tier advancement or actually make quests per day limited.




36 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

Maybe I'm just particularly slow, but I don't manage to complete more than 1-2 quests a day in the first week. Whether it's a fetch quest or a clear quest, I always loot the whole POI. I know that is inefficient but I don't care.


Well I do the same, and in my MP group we also loot the whole POI. And I would say SP I can do nearly 2 quests a day on average. And you can multiply that by 2 with a group. It also depends on the difficulty level you set and other factors (like how much time you use for base building, how much of that time is done in the night, and how completely you wrench down a poi or whether you delegate some of that to the night)


49 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

Priorities for the first week are finding or building a safe base, getting water and food supplies, setup production and building a horde base for the first few hordes.

Later, I usually build a base for the endgame hordes or expand the first horde base. This usually takes a few days or even weeks, so I don't do any quests during that time. So on average I do one quest a day.


Yeah well, I said you are different type of player. I don't think many players use dedicated weeks for building a horde base.


52 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

The question is, what would be a fair reward for the amount of effort it takes to clear a T5 POI? At the start of A21, the quest rewards for T4, T5 and T6 were no better than T3. People were complaining. No one was motivated to do higher quests.


No surprise, the rewards for T1-3 are already too much, so to motivate players to do T4-T5 those need OP rewards as well.


The rewards have a reason, to get players to quest together there is this additional reward for each player besides the loot. I still would assume that for example with half that bonus on top players would do quests together, since there is also the increased speed and safety. A balance thing. If not the second option is always to slow down the tier advancement or actually make quests per day limited.


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