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8 hours ago, Roland said:

If armor can make injuries and debuffs less likely I don't see a problem with something else making them more likely. There does need to be a wider variety of them

agreed, as long if it doesn't stack too much to become inevitable at some point, like the decrease of critial hit resistance. I like to melee a lot, and said possible snowball effects get too serious too fast.

I'm ok to get a bit beaten up in a good fight, but it must not become a vicious circle where one debuff leads to the next and so on, I guess you know how I mean it.

Might be tough to balance and find the hard but fair middle of it, but probably still possible.



8 hours ago, Roland said:

If armor can make injuries and debuffs less likely I don't see a problem with something else making them more likely. There does need to be a wider variety of them

agreed, as long if it doesn't stack too much to become inevitable at some point, like the decrease of critial hit resistance.

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