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13 minutes ago, Roland said:


That's a good point. It is still open to interpretation and each player will see it the way they wish. But I will point out that you must find the recipe for an AK-47 before you can find the recipe for an M-60 and you said you have no problem with the first time you gain the M-60 recipe.


Yeah, I dont really have a problem with not being able to craft the M60 until I get through the previous tiers because there is clearly a balance component to it.  Plus there is a logic that you can't craft a higher tier item until your skill is sufficient.   Of course, that just further demonstrates to me that the magazines represent skill as well as recipes.


I actually like the overall structure of the magazine system... just not the way you acquire them.   If you changed "magazines" to "skill points" and changed the acquisition from "looting" to "gaining skill points as you level" I think the system would be much better. 





1 minute ago, Roland said:


That's a good point. It is still open to interpretation and each player will see it the way they wish. But I will point out that you must find the recipe for an AK-47 before you can find the recipe for an M-60 and you said you have no problem with the first time you gain the M-60 recipe.


Yeah, I dont really have a problem with not being able to craft the M60 until I get through the previous tiers because there is clearly a balance component to it.  Plus there is a logic that you can't craft a higher tier item until your skill is sufficient.   Of course, that just further demonstrates to me that the magazines represent skill as well as recipes.



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