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11 hours ago, tmo97 said:

You get better at using weapons & tools by using them.


You are correct that nothing like that will be done in vanilla, learning by doing was once in the game and will not come back. The game is not going to change much before final release and the perk system as it is now will be (besides balancing changes) what we will see in the final release as well. The time for big overhauls is gone. And yes, I consider the magazines a comparatively small change from the schematics we had before.


If someone wants an LBD system he can always play some of the overhaul mods, especially Darkness Falls has reimplemented it quite well.


13 hours ago, OneManStanding said:

I don't object to the magazine-based learn-by-reading system... but in our next world together my buddy plans on only taking the magazines about farming and cooking and giving me everything else and just let me do all the crafting. Thinking about it, the skills points just give you better performance with whatever it is you got and help you find more parts for it in loot. It has no effects on crafting, like reducing ingredient cost or improving the stats. He figures he'll manage the farm, food, and mining all the resources, whilst I do everything else.


On the one hand this does seem simpler -- rather than me bothering him for the random things based on what he's perked into, I can just do it myself. And rather than figuring out what magazines go to whom and accidently reading the wrong one now and again, I just eat whatever magazine that isn't about farming or seeds.


I say eating the magazines, 'cos it's not like I give it to my buddy when I've finished reading it.


The big disadvantage of the magazine system is that you have to adjust what you perk into to what you need to craft. If you don't perk into something you won't be able to craft that stuff when you need it. And when you perk into something where you don't need the magazines then you are slowing down the progression in all the other magazines.


So you need to put at least 1 point into all the INT perks that govern utility crafting like the workstations, traps and vehicles. If you don't you have to use the trader to get the relevant items.




11 hours ago, tmo97 said:

You get better at using weapons & tools by using them.


You are correct that nothing like that will be done in vanilla, learning by doing was once in the game and will not come back. The game is not going to change much before final release and the perk system as it is now will be (besides balancing changes) what we will see in the final release as well. The time for big overhauls is gone. And yes, I consider the magazines a comparatively small change from the schematics we had before.


If someone wants an LBD system he can always play some of the overhaul mods, especially Darkness Falls has reimplemented it quite well.




11 hours ago, tmo97 said:

You get better at using weapons & tools by using them.


You seem to have missed that discussion, learning by doing was once in the game and will not come back in vanilla. The game is not going to change much before final release and the perk system as it is now will be (besides balancing changes) what we will see in the final release as well. The time for big overhauls is gone. And yes, I consider the magazines a comparatively small change from the schematics we had before.


If you want an LBD system you can always play some of the overhaul mods, especially Darkness Falls has reimplemented it.


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