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Not to beat a dead horse, but I have to agree with the majority of the group here. Out of all of the token mechanics that have come out of RPGs, lockpicking minigames have to be the most tired, overused, and joy-sucking experiences ever.


That's not to say the mechanic in 7DTD is objectively better. However, I would far prefer the current experience to a minigame. The thing that gets me about lockpicking in general is there is no real risk. Yes, I am risking lockpicks to the RNG gods who's grins grow wider and wider with every snap of a pick until I burn through my stack of 15 resulting in the god's uproarious, maniacal laughter -- but that's it. Lockpicks have no other use and they're ridiculously easy to make. It just turns into a tedious exercise as well.


So yes, I would agree that there need to be changes made, but a minigame (IMO) should not be the answer. What would I do?

  • Lockpicking time is based on skill (just like today, no change)
    • the more points you put into it, the less time it takes, just like looting
  • Keep the chance for breaks, but drastically reduce that chance
    • Also scale the decrease with your skill level, just like today, but it should be zero chance if fully spec'd
  • Greatly reduce the number of picks you find
    • Since your chance of loosing picks is greatly reduced, there is no need to find as many in the world and the ability to craft them is unlocked pretty early with the new magazine system


Really the big difference here is how often you break picks. The fact that they break so often is more annoying than fun (really, it's not fun at all).



Not to beat a dead horse, but I have to agree with the majority of the group here. Out of all of the token mechanics that have come out of RPGs, lockpicking minigames have to be the most tired, overused, and joy-sucking experiences ever.


That's not to say the mechanic in 7DTD is objectively better. However, I would far prefer the current experience to a minigame. The thing that gets me about lockpicking in general is there is no real risk. Yes, I am risking lockpicks to the RNG gods who's grins grow wider and wider with every snap of a pick until I burn through my stack of 15 resulting in the god's uproarious, maniacal laughter -- but that's it. Lockpicks have no other use and they're ridiculously easy to make. It just turns into a tedious exercise as well.


So yes, I would agree that there need to be changes made, but a minigame (IMO) should not be the answer. What would I do?

  • Lockpicking time is based on skill
    • the more points you put into it, the less time it takes, just like looting
  • Keep the chance for breaks, but drastically reduce that chance
    • can also scale the decrease with your skill level, perhaps to zero chance if fully spec'd
  • Greatly reduce the number of picks you find
    • Since your chance of loosing picks is greatly reduced, there is no need to find as many in the world and the ability to craft them is unlocked pretty early with the new magazine system
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