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 I have no clue how all this works. but Alloc´s fixes are already included, at least partly, in the dedicated server version since A21. I remember reading that. So that guide might be outdated. Maybe try the steam forums for help. This place is not very frequented. Also maybe try FB and look for 7 days to die groups, several people running servers do advertise their servers in those groups, you might find one beeing able to help you.



 I have no clue how all this works. but Alloc´s fixes are already included, at least partly, in the dedicated server version since A21. I rember reading that. So that guide might be outdated. Maybe try the steam forums for help. This place is not very frequented. Also maybe try FB and look for 7 days to die groups, several people running servers do advertise their servers in those groups, you might find one beeing able to help you.



 I have no clue how all this works. but Alloc´s fixes are already included, at least partly, in the dedicated server version since A21. I rember reading that. So that guide might be outdated. Maybe try the steam forums for help. This place is not very frequented. Also maybe try FB and look forl 7 days to die groups, several people running servers do advertise their servers in those groups, you might find one beeing able to help you.



 I have no clue how all this works. but Alloc´s fixes are already included, at least party, in the dedicated server version since A21. I rember reading that. So that guide might be outdated. Maybe try the steam forums for help. This place is not very frequented. Also maybe try FB and look forl 7 days to die groups, several people running servers do advertise their servers in those groups, you might find one beeing able to help you.

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