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Noisy Pants

Noisy Pants

clarification of information

there are two problems I am facing:


2023-08-24T04:56:22 45.919 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'ui_display.xml' failed
2023-08-24T04:56:22 45.922 EXC crafting_category_list must have an display_type attribute



2023-08-24T04:56:22 46.747 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "BlastForge" did not apply: <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowworkstation_BlastForgeInput']/rect/sprite[@name='backgroundMain']/@height">204</set> (line 3 at pos 3)
2023-08-24T04:56:22 46.747 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "BlastForge" did not apply: <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowworkstation_BlastForgeInput']/rect/rect[@name='smxui_forgeinput_resources_content']/@height">204</set> (line 4 at pos 4)
2023-08-24T04:56:22 46.747 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "BlastForge" did not apply: <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowworkstation_BlastForgeInput']/rect/rect/grid/@rows">3</set> (line 6 at pos 4)
2023-08-24T04:56:22 46.747 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "BlastForge" did not apply: <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowworkstation_BlastForgeInput']/rect/rect/rect/sprite[@pos='105,-170']/@width">47</set> (line 8 at pos 4)
2023-08-24T04:56:22 46.748 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "BlastForge" did not apply: <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowworkstation_BlastForgeInput']/rect/rect/rect/sprite[@pos='105,-170']/@pos">105,-238</set> (line 9 at pos 4)
2023-08-24T04:56:22 46.748 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "BlastForge" did not apply: <append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowworkstation_BlastForgeInput']/rect/rect/grid[@name='smxui_slot_preview']">
    <sprite name="slot" depth="4" size="50,50" atlas="UIAtlas" sprite="ui_game_symbol_fire" pivot="center" color="[red]" globalopacitymod="0.8" foregroundlayer="true" />
</append> (line 11 at pos 4)

The lines are obvious yet I have no idea how to map out any pos.

Noisy Pants

Noisy Pants

what is a: "display_type attribute", I have no idea what the game is talking about - please help

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