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12 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

It's a coding reason.  The devs don't want to spend processing time to calculate if and where it rains in the world and then have rain catchers fill up.

Really I think that's not a real reason, they just don't want it.

I would think if they really wanted to have it work like this, there would surely be a way to get it done without impact on game performance.

I mean the game does check if it rains and the player is outside, for the "debuff" that you're wet...which currently has absolutely no effect either, and they stil leave it in, although it should have that impact on performance I guess, or does it not?


If not they could just do that check for the dew collectors (even without "insode or outside" because they can only be built outside),

and then do something like "if wet fill one jar" or whatever.

And when the player isn't in the chunk, they could add a random chance to them being filled when the player returns which just equals the general probability of bad weather.

So when you return and find your collector full, fine then from your point of view it probably rained when you were away.

And it doesn't matter if it wasn't really raining at that place and time, calculated in real time, because you wouldn't notice it anyway.


Just an example, I'm sure there can be many ways to figure out how it could be done in a simple way.

In fact isn't this a rather common thing in coding in general? There are so many other things in this game where stuff that you don't see anyway isn't calculated in real time.



12 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

It's a coding reason.  The devs don't want to spend processing time to calculate if and where it rains in the world and then have rain catchers fill up.

Really I think that's not a real reason, they just don't want it.

I would think if they really wanted to have it work like this, there would surely be a way to get it done without impact on game performance.

I mean the game does check if it rains and the player is outside, for the "debuff" that you're wet...which currently has absolutely no effect either, and they stil leave it in, although it should have that impact on performance I guess, or does it not?


If not they could just do that check for the dew collectors (even without "insode or outside" because they can only be built outside),

and then do something like "if wet fill one jar" or whatever.

And when the player isn't in the chunk, they could add a random chance to them being filled when the player returns which just equals the general probability of bad weather.

So when you return and find your collector full, fine then from your point of view it probably rained when you were away.

And it doesn't matter if it wasn't really raining at that place and time, calculated in real time, because you wouldn't notice it anyway.




12 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

It's a coding reason.  The devs don't want to spend processing time to calculate if and where it rains in the world and then have rain catchers fill up.

Really I think that's not a real reason, they just don't want it.

I would think if they really wanted to have it work like this, there would surely be a way to get it done without impact on game performance.

I mean the game does check if it rains and the player is outside, for the "debuff" that you're wet...which currently has absolutely no effect either, and they stil leave it in, although it should have that impact on performance I guess, or does it not?


If not they could just do that check for the dew collectors (even without "insode or outside" because they can only be built outside),

and then do something like "if wet fill one jar" or whatever.

And when the player isn't in the chunk, they could add a random chance to them being filled when the player returns which just equals the general probability of bad wheather.

So when you return and find your collector full, fine then from your point of view it probably rained when you were away.

And it doesn't matter if it wasn't really raining at that place and time, calculated in real time, because you wouldn't notice it anyway.




12 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

It's a coding reason.  The devs don't want to spend processing time to calculate if and where it rains in the world and then have rain catchers fill up.

Really I think that's not a real reason, they just don't want it.

I would think if they really wanted to have it work like this, there would surely be a way to get it done without impact on game performance.

I mean the game does check if it rains and the player is outside, for the "debuff" that you're wet...which currently has absolutely no effect either, and they stil leave it in, although it should have that impact on performance I guess, or does it not?


If not they could just do that check for the dew collectors (even without "insode or outside" because they can only be built outside),

and then do something like "if wet fill one jar" or whatever.

And when the player isn't the chunk, they could add a random chance to them being filled when the player returns which just equals the general probability of bad wheather.

So when you return and find your collector full, fine then from your point of view it probably rained when you were away.

And it doesn't matter if it wasn't really raining at that place and time, calculated in real time, because you wouldn't notice it anyway.


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