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I'm perfectly fine with zombies coming out of wardrobes, ventilation shafts and stuff. Cause these are kinda plausible things where one might have hidden himself to get away from creepy things going on.

But in/behind "solid" walls is...I don't know.

I mean yes, it does the job and makes me jump, but every time afterwards it feels so...disappoitingly poor designed (can't find the correct words to express my feelings here right now)


I mean, a zombie coming out of a concrete wall makes me think "ok what's next, a refrigerator or a sofa turns into a zombie right before my eyes or what"


I'm putting my hope in that "wandering sleepers" thingy they seem to be on, for some next alpha.

A21 does SWAT zombie ambushes out of "strange" things waay too often, and that Karen Higashi poi just makes the most excessive use of it. It's a very cool poi, but...ah well now I'm starting to repeat myself.




I'm perfectly fine with zombies coming out of wardrobes, ventilation shafts and stuff. Cause these are kinda plausible things where one might have hidden himself to get away from creepy things going on.

But in/behind "solid" walls is...I don't know.

I mean yes, it does the job and makes me jump, but every time afterwards it feels so...disappoitingly poor designed (can't find the correct words to express my feelings here right now)


I'm putting my hope in that "wandering sleepers" thingy they seem to be on, for some next alpha.

A21 does SWAT zombie ambushes out of nowhere waay too often, and that Karen Higashi poi just makes the most excessive use of it. It's a very cool poi, but...ah well now I'm starting to repeat myself.


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