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12 minutes ago, Ailin said:

Id be curious if anyone else can try to generate a map to see if its actually a thing or something on my end.


I'll give it a try, though I've got home-grown mods installed.


Results - It fails for me too. Here's the relevant part from my log file...



2023-07-31T16:47:15 43.180 INF WorldGenerator:Generating West Wiuxa Mountains
2023-07-31T16:47:16 44.350 INF generateBiomeTiles start
2023-07-31T16:47:16 44.357 INF generateTerrainTiles start at 0.007
2023-07-31T16:47:16 44.359 INF generateBaseStamps start at 0.008
2023-07-31T16:47:30 58.148 INF generateMountains start at 13.797
2023-07-31T16:47:30 58.168 INF writeStampsToMaps start at 13.817
2023-07-31T16:47:30 58.804 INF WaterMap took 1s
2023-07-31T16:47:34 62.554 INF writeStampsToMaps end at 18.203
2023-07-31T16:47:58 86.693 INF terrainGenerationUsingStreetTileData took 15.368
2023-07-31T16:47:59 87.054 INF POISmoother SmoothStreetTiles took 0.343
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in <03bd9b261dff4c2b8b568aca27f561b2>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.HighwayPlanner+<Plan>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00124] in <205bdac8b37f40be9c2699c961fdbeaa>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <4bba812690714c578170328b4ec178d0>:0 


It failed in Highway Plannin trying to get something from a list. I'm going to guess it was a list of settlements that was empty because we set Cities/Towns to "none."



10 minutes ago, Ailin said:

Id be curious if anyone else can try to generate a map to see if its actually a thing or something on my end.


I'll give it a try, though I've got home-grown mods installed.


Results - It fails for me too.



2023-07-31T16:47:15 43.180 INF WorldGenerator:Generating West Wiuxa Mountains
2023-07-31T16:47:16 44.350 INF generateBiomeTiles start
2023-07-31T16:47:16 44.357 INF generateTerrainTiles start at 0.007
2023-07-31T16:47:16 44.359 INF generateBaseStamps start at 0.008
2023-07-31T16:47:30 58.148 INF generateMountains start at 13.797
2023-07-31T16:47:30 58.168 INF writeStampsToMaps start at 13.817
2023-07-31T16:47:30 58.804 INF WaterMap took 1s
2023-07-31T16:47:34 62.554 INF writeStampsToMaps end at 18.203
2023-07-31T16:47:58 86.693 INF terrainGenerationUsingStreetTileData took 15.368
2023-07-31T16:47:59 87.054 INF POISmoother SmoothStreetTiles took 0.343
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in <03bd9b261dff4c2b8b568aca27f561b2>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.HighwayPlanner+<Plan>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00124] in <205bdac8b37f40be9c2699c961fdbeaa>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <4bba812690714c578170328b4ec178d0>:0 


It failed in Highway Plannin trying to get something from a list. I'm going to guess it was a list of settlements that was empty because we set Cities/Towns to "none."



6 minutes ago, Ailin said:

Id be curious if anyone else can try to generate a map to see if its actually a thing or something on my end.


I'll give it a try, though I've got home-grown mods installed.


I'll update this message when I know more.

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