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active turret count


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I can't seem to get more than one active turret on Undead Legacy by modding the progression.xml. I've edited both files (undead legacy has an additional modded progression.xml in the mod folder) to the following but it doesn't work in game.

I even made an additional separate mod folder with the changes and it doesn't work.

        <passive_effect name="JunkTurretActiveCount" operation="base_set" value="0"/>
        <passive_effect name="JunkTurretActiveCount" operation="base_add" level="1" value="1"/>
        <passive_effect name="JunkTurretActiveCount" operation="base_add" level="3" value="2"/>
        <passive_effect name="JunkTurretActiveCount" operation="base_add" level="5" value="3"/>

custom mod:
    <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkTurrets']">
    <effect_group name="Turret Tweak">
        <passive_effect name="JunkTurretActiveCount" operation="base_set" value="0"/>
        <passive_effect name="JunkTurretActiveCount" operation="base_add" level="1" value="1"/>
        <passive_effect name="JunkTurretActiveCount" operation="base_add" level="3" value="2"/>
        <passive_effect name="JunkTurretActiveCount" operation="base_add" level="5" value="3"/>
        <passive_effect name="JunkTurretActiveRange" operation="base_set" level="0,1,2,3,4,5" value="20,24,25,26,27,28"/>

what am I doing wrong here?


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I don't know what you are doing wrong but the code at the top works. If I replace the current lines in \Mods\UndeadLegacy_Skills\Config\progression.xml with your lines it works as expected. That's the only file you need to change.


A couple tips that you may already know. Look in <savename>\ConfigsDump\progression.xml to see if and how it applied your changes. If you are using your own mods to alter UL, make sure your mods load last, they load alphabetically. I prepend my tweak mod names with a "z_".

If you do the mod route, I think I'd try replacing/modifying the existing effect_group rather than adding another.

Edited by seven (see edit history)
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So I think I figured it out. The way the game works, it doesn't poll your skill whenever a check has to be made. I gained a level and increased the perk by one and immediately the second started working. It looks like that is something that isn't updated in real-time and only triggers at the time of the point being assigned. Likely to save CPU overhead and normally it wouldn't be an issue except in rare circumstances like these.

I did create this as a separate mod appended with a z. And the configdumps file was showing the correct values, it was just that the game wasn't seeing the change. What is interesting to me is that those values don't seem to be sanity checked at server startup, because I shut down and restarted the server several times while trying to figure it out. It only started working properly once I applied the point gain.  This will need further testing and clearly is something modders should know about in case they run into the same issue.

Back when I was coding an emulated Ultima Online server 20 years ago, we did everything in realtime. We didn't even have to restart the server for most things because we could unload and reload scripts and configs on-the-fly. I guess things were a lot simpler back then in a lot of ways.

Edited by Ewifore (see edit history)
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