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16 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

The magazines are not completely random. It is a weighted randomness.


And there are a couple of things that are good to know.


The first is that you should never put points into Advanced Engeering if you want to collect Forge Ahead magazines. You have to put the points into Lockpicking. Sounds strange, but the reason is that Advanced Engineering also boosts other magazines, whereas Lockpicking only boosts Forge Ahead magazines.


The second is that you should not waste points in Physician or Living of the Land. These two magazines can be found in abundance anyway, even without a boost. And if possible, you should only put points into a few perks that boost skill magazines. I try never to have more than 4 perks active at the same time.


Farming especially since it caps out at like 22, would suck to keep getting the mag all the time Not to mention talk about tedious, to me farming is @%$#ing tedious. I throw down like 20 plots and use whatever seeds I find, try to remember to harvest & replant when I can. Put perk points into it? Pfffttt!


papa's experience with the cooking mags is wierd though, I currently have no points in chef, last game I think I put a point or 2 in late game, but cooking mags seem common (and really, they need to be), especially in the locations he searched.




14 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

The magazines are not completely random. It is a weighted randomness.


And there are a couple of things that are good to know.


The first is that you should never put points into Advanced Engeering if you want to collect Forge Ahead magazines. You have to put the points into Lockpicking. Sounds strange, but the reason is that Advanced Engineering also boosts other magazines, whereas Lockpicking only boosts Forge Ahead magazines.


The second is that you should not waste points in Physician or Living of the Land. These two magazines can be found in abundance anyway, even without a boost. And if possible, you should only put points into a few perks that boost skill magazines. I try never to have more than 4 perks active at the same time.


papa's experience with the cooking mags is wierd though, I currently have no points in chef, last game I think I put a point or 2 in late game, but cooking mags seem common (and really, they need to be), especially in the locations he searched.


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