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27 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

Since clothes do not stack, your inventory will be full pretty quickly. Then the scrapping begins. You queue up 4 items for scrapping and wait until the first one is done, then scrape again and wait again.


Yeah, I start scrapping as I am looting and constantly trying to keep the queue full and my inventory not, but it is very micromanagement intensive and time-consuming (so not fun at all). But like I said, it's something to do once or twice per game and then never again.



21 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

Since clothes do not stack, your inventory will be full pretty quickly. Then the scrapping begins. You queue up 4 items for scrapping and wait until the first one is done, then scrape again and wait again.


Yeah, I start scrapping as I am looting and constantly trying to keep the queue full and my inventory not, but it is very micromanagement intensive and time-consuming (so not fun at all). 

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