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18 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:

1 > , the first time he collects a lot, packmule ist useful for this ...sledgehammer(the stone one) ist the only good weapon that can make a "headshot" at start...the woodbat is worst, u can use yout firestick to set the zombies on fire :)


2> at first you have bad condition..armour slows you down, without the perks mule you a slow turtle XD


3> i havent noticed nothing that does dirty water..u can drink 6 times and no bad stomach (or you drink1x and bad stomach) but when u dont have water, before diieng u drink the dirty water


4> when u dont have the recipe for steak and eggs, the cooked eggs are to expensive..run around 10min u collect 15-20eggs


5>when u dont have ammo, how u kill zombies? spike killed zombies = no xp points


but everyone has its unique style to play...he can test the tips we all give him 

Pack mule is a newbie trap.  It is really not worth wasting perk points in as there are far more helpful ones.  If you like it, go ahead and use it, but you can start making cloth pockets right away instead.  You also don't have to carry everything.  Put down a chest or two and collect the stuff later once you have the bike.  Far better than using a perk point for something that really isn't worth much.  This is why you won't find many veteran players who use pack mule and why when people ask on here what the worst perks are, it is always listed.


Cloth armor isn't really going to slow you down.  Considering the increase to debuffs, you want armor, especially as a new player, or you are likely to rage quit after constantly bleeding.  Armor helps to prevent debuffs.  Once you are good at the game, you can skip armor if you prefer.


Murky water takes away 5hp when you drink it.  That is okay if you are dying of thirst but otherwise you should be boiling it and drinking clean water or making that into tea (the better option) and drinking that.  Murky water should only be drunk if you have no other choice or have the helmet mod.


Eggs should always be saved unless you have no other choice.  Meat is very easy to get and you should eat that instead.  Charred until you get grilled and then grilled until you get steak and eggs.  Boiled eggs are really a waste of eggs.  You will always have more meat than you'll ever need, but you will often be short on eggs once you start cooking better food, up until you are making better than the pies and cakes anyhow.  Then eggs will start stacking up.  But you will always have more meat than you need so it is a far better option.


You can easily melee zombies during the first horde night if you set up your base to do so.  Explosives just aren't needed and you aren't likely to have anywhere near enough to last through the first horde night anyhow.  If you like explosives, use them.  But they aren't needed and there are often better choices for rewards.  I did miss the "or ammo" in your post.  Ammo I would agree with, though in most cases getting the magazine bundles in at least the first day or two of quests will make it far easier to get started crafting and that can be a better option for most people unless they want to spend time running around looting mailboxes the first few days.


As far as sledgehammers, they do the most make damage, yes.  However, they are also the slowest weapon and use the most stamina.  A new player is far more likely to get killed trying to use it than if they use a different weapon.  Spears and clubs are far better for a new player as they attack more quickly and use less stamina.  Even the Q1 stone spear will knock down a zombie with one power attack to the head for the first zombies you will encounter.  You do that and you have plenty of time to kill them safely even if you don't knock off their head.  But weapon choice is entirely individual.  You use the weapon you like.


In my opinion, the best starter perks for new players are:


1) the weapon you will use

2) parkour - new players fall and get hurt more than veteran players and that extra fall distance (even at tier 1) can save walking around for an hour with a sprained or broken leg

3) daring adventurer - the extra money lets them buy whatever they need more easily and until they decide if they like using traders, that can help them to learn the game more easily

4) maybe miner 69er - this makes it faster to mine stuff including pallets, so can be useful for someone wanting to start getting those resources really.  Healing Factor is another decent option as it will help them heal more quickly without meds and reduce debuffs times.  For a new player, cardio can make them happy even if it really isn't a great perk.  Your backup weapon is another good option as is starting to build up the ability points for whichever tree you want to focus on.  This will also help your weapon if you improve the tree that your weapon is in.


Another option is to get two points into your weapon right away if you don't need it want other perks.


Also, it is possible to reset perks with forgettin' elixir, so they do have the option of choosing temporary perks and then removing them later so it isn't critical which they choose of they find they choose wrong.



10 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:

1 > , the first time he collects a lot, packmule ist useful for this ...sledgehammer(the stone one) ist the only good weapon that can make a "headshot" at start...the woodbat is worst, u can use yout firestick to set the zombies on fire :)


2> at first you have bad condition..armour slows you down, without the perks mule you a slow turtle XD


3> i havent noticed nothing that does dirty water..u can drink 6 times and no bad stomach (or you drink1x and bad stomach) but when u dont have water, before diieng u drink the dirty water


4> when u dont have the recipe for steak and eggs, the cooked eggs are to expensive..run around 10min u collect 15-20eggs


5>when u dont have ammo, how u kill zombies? spike killed zombies = no xp points


but everyone has its unique style to play...he can test the tips we all give him 

Pack mule is a newbie trap.  It is really not worth wasting perk points in as there are far more helpful ones.  If you like it, go ahead and use it, but you can start making cloth pockets right away instead.  You also don't have to carry everything.  Put down a chest or two and collect the stuff later once you have the bike.  Far better than using a perk point for something that really isn't worth much.  This is why you won't find many veteran players who use pack mule and why when people ask on here what the worst perks are, it is always listed.


Cloth armor isn't really going to slow you down.  Considering the increase to debuffs, you want armor, especially as a new player, or you are likely to rage quit after constantly bleeding.  Armor helps to prevent debuffs.  Once you are good at the game, you can skip armor if you prefer.


Murky water takes away 5hp when you drink it.  That is okay if you are dying of thirst but otherwise you should be boiling it and drinking clean water or making that into tea (the better option) and drinking that.  Murky water should only be drunk if you have no other choice or have the helmet mod.


Eggs should always be saved unless you have no other choice.  Meat is very easy to get and you should eat that instead.  Charred until you get grilled and then grilled until you get steak and eggs.  Boiled eggs are really a waste of eggs.  You will always have more meat than you'll ever need, but you will often be short on eggs once you start cooking better food, up until you are making better than the pies and cakes anyhow.  Then eggs will start stacking up.  But you will always have more meat than you need so it is a far better option.


You can easily melee zombies during the first horde night if you set up your base to do so.  Explosives just aren't needed and you aren't likely to have anywhere near enough to last through the first horde night anyhow.  If you like explosives, use them.  But they aren't needed and there are often better choices for rewards.  I did miss the "or ammo" in your post.  Ammo I would agree with, though in most cases getting the magazine bundles in at least the first day or two of quests will make it far easier to get started crafting and that can be a better option for most people unless they want to spend time running around looting mailboxes the first few days.


As far as sledgehammers, they do the most make damage, yes.  However, they are also the slowest weapon and use the most stamina.  A new player is far more likely to get killed trying to use it than if they use a different weapon.  Spears and clubs are far better for a new player as they attack more quickly and use is stamina.  Even the Q1 stone spear will knock down a zombie with one power attack to the head for the first zombies you will encounter.  You do that and you have plenty of time to kill them safely even if you don't knock off their head.  But weapon choice is entirely individual.  You use the weapon you like.


In my opinion, the best starter perks for new players are:


1) the weapon you will use

2) parkour - new players fall and get hurt more than veteran players and that extra fall distance (even at tier 1) can save walking around for an hour with a sprained or broken leg

3) daring adventurer - the extra money let's then but whatever they need more easily and until they decide if they like using traders, that can help them to learn the game more easily

4) maybe miner 69er - this makes it faster to mine stuff including pallets, so can be useful for someone wanting to start getting those resources really.  Healing Factor is another decent option as it will help them heal more quickly without meds and reduce debuffs times.  For a new player, cardio can make them happy even if it really isn't a great perk.  Your backup weapon is another good option as is starting to build up the ability points for whichever tree you want to focus on.  This will also help your weapon if you improve the tree that your weapon is in.


Another option is to get two points into your weapon right away if you don't need it want other perks.


Also, it is possible to reset perks with forgettin' elixir, so they do have the option of choosing temporary perks and then removing them later so it isn't critical which they choose of they find they choose wrong.



10 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:

1 > , the first time he collects a lot, packmule ist useful for this ...sledgehammer(the stone one) ist the only good weapon that can make a "headshot" at start...the woodbat is worst, u can use yout firestick to set the zombies on fire :)


2> at first you have bad condition..armour slows you down, without the perks mule you a slow turtle XD


3> i havent noticed nothing that does dirty water..u can drink 6 times and no bad stomach (or you drink1x and bad stomach) but when u dont have water, before diieng u drink the dirty water


4> when u dont have the recipe for steak and eggs, the cooked eggs are to expensive..run around 10min u collect 15-20eggs


5>when u dont have ammo, how u kill zombies? spike killed zombies = no xp points


but everyone has its unique style to play...he can test the tips we all give him 

Pack mule is a newbie trap.  It is really not worth wasting perk points in as there are far more helpful ones.  If you like it, go ahead and use it, but you can start making cloth pockets right away instead.  You also don't have to carry everything.  Put down a chest or two and collect the stuff later once you have the bike.  Far better than using a perk point for something that really isn't worth much.  This is why you won't find many veteran players who use pack mule and why when people ask on here what the worst perks are, it is always listed.


Cloth armor isn't really going to slow you down.  Considering the increase to debuffs, you want armor, especially as a new player, or you are likely to rage quit after constantly bleeding.  Armor helps to prevent debuffs.  Once you are good at the game, you can skip armor if you prefer.


Murky water takes away 5hp when you drink it.  That is okay if you are dying of thirst but otherwise you should be boiling it and drinking clean water or making that into tea (the better option) and drinking that.  Murky water should only be drunk if you have no other choice or have the helmet mod.


Eggs should always be saved unless you have no other choice.  Meat is very easy to get and you should eat that instead.  Charred until you get grilled and then grilled until you get steak and eggs.  Boiled eggs are really a waste of eggs.  You will always have more meat than you'll ever need, but you will often be short on eggs once you start cooking better food, up until you are making better than the pies and cakes anyhow.  Then eggs will start stacking up.  But you will always have more meat than you need so it is a far better option.


You can easily melee zombies during the first horde night if you set up your base to do so.  Explosives just aren't needed and you aren't likely to have anywhere near enough to last through the first horde night anyhow.  If you like explosives, use them.  But they aren't needed and there are often better choices for rewards.  I did miss the "or ammo" in your post.  Ammo I would agree with, though in most cases getting the magazine bundles in at least the first day or two of quests will make it far easier to get started crafting and that can be a better option for most people unless they want to spend time running around looting mailboxes the first few days.


As far as sledgehammers, they do the most make damage, yes.  However, they are also the slowest weapon and use the most stamina.  A new player is far more likely to get killed trying to use it than if they use a different weapon.  Spears and clubs are far better for a new player as they attack more quickly and use is stamina.  Even the Q1 stone spear will knock down a zombie with one power attack to the head for the first zombies you will encounter.  You do that and you have plenty of time to kill them safely even if you don't knock off their head.  But weapon choice is entirely individual.  You use the weapon you like.


In my opinion, the best starter perks for new players are:


1) the weapon you will use

2) parkour - new players fall and get hurt more than veteran players and that extra fall distance (even at tier 1) can save walking around for an hour with a sprained or broken leg

3) daring adventurer - the extra money let's then but whatever they need more easily and until they decide if they like using traders, that can help them to learn the game more easily

4) maybe miner 69er - this makes it faster to mine stuff including pallets, so can be useful for someone wanting to start getting those resources really.  Healing Factor is another decent option as it will help them heal more quickly without meds and reduce debuffs times.  For a new player, cardio can make them happy even if it really isn't a great perk.  Your backup weapon is another good option as is starting to build up the ability points for whichever tree you want to focus on.  This will also help your weapon if you improve the tree that your weapon is in.


Also, it is possible to reset perks with forgettin' elixir, so they do have the option of choosing temporary perks and then removing them later so it isn't critical which they choose of they find they choose wrong.



10 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:

1 > , the first time he collects a lot, packmule ist useful for this ...sledgehammer(the stone one) ist the only good weapon that can make a "headshot" at start...the woodbat is worst, u can use yout firestick to set the zombies on fire :)


2> at first you have bad condition..armour slows you down, without the perks mule you a slow turtle XD


3> i havent noticed nothing that does dirty water..u can drink 6 times and no bad stomach (or you drink1x and bad stomach) but when u dont have water, before diieng u drink the dirty water


4> when u dont have the recipe for steak and eggs, the cooked eggs are to expensive..run around 10min u collect 15-20eggs


5>when u dont have ammo, how u kill zombies? spike killed zombies = no xp points


but everyone has its unique style to play...he can test the tips we all give him 

Pack mule is a newbie trap.  It is really not worth wasting perk points in as there are far more helpful ones.  If you like it, go ahead and use it, but you can start making cloth pockets right away instead.  You also don't have to carry everything.  Put down a chest or two and collect the stuff later once you have the bike.  Far better than using a perk point for something that really isn't worth much.  This is why you won't find many veteran players who use pack mule and why when people ask on here what the worst perks are, it is always listed.


Cloth armor isn't really going to slow you down.  Considering the increase to debuffs, you want armor, especially as a new player, or you are likely to rage quit after constantly bleeding.  Armor helps to prevent debuffs.  Once you are good at the game, you can skip armor if you prefer.


Murky water takes away 5hp when you drink it.  That is okay if you are dying of thirst but otherwise you should be boiling it and drinking clean water or making that into tea (the better option) and drinking that.  Murky water should only be drunk if you have no other choice or have the helmet mod.


Eggs should always be saved unless you have no other choice.  Meat is very easy to get and you should eat that instead.  Charred until you get grilled and then grilled until you get steak and eggs.  Boiled eggs are really a waste of eggs.  You will always have more meat than you'll ever need, but you will often be short on eggs once you start cooking better food, up until you are making better than the pies and cakes anyhow.  Then eggs will start stacking up.  But you will always have more meat than you need so it is a far better option.


You can easily melee zombies during the first horde night if you set up your base to do so.  Explosives just aren't needed and you aren't likely to have anywhere near enough to last through the first horde night anyhow.  If you like explosives, use them.  But they aren't needed and there are often better choices for rewards.  I did miss the "or ammo" in your post.  Ammo I would agree with, though in most cases getting the magazine bundles in at least the first day or two of quests will make it far easier to get started crafting and that can be a better option for most people unless they want to spend time running around looting mailboxes the first few days.


As far as sledgehammers, they do the most make damage, yes.  However, they are also the slowest weapon and use the most stamina.  A new player is far more likely to get killed trying to use it than if they use a different weapon.  Spears and clubs are far better for a new player as they attack more quickly and use is stamina.  Even the Q1 stone spear will knock down a zombie with one power attack to the head for the first zombies you will encounter.  You do that and you have plenty of time to kill them safely even if you don't knock off their head.  But weapon choice is entirely individual.  You use the weapon you like.


In my opinion, the best starter perks for new players are:


1) the weapon you will use

2) parkour - new players fall and get hurt more than veteran players and that extra fall distance (even at tier 1) can save walking around for an hour with a sprained or broken leg

3) daring adventurer - the extra money let's then but whatever they need more easily and until they decide if they like using traders, that can help them to learn the game more easily

4) maybe miner 69er - this makes it faster to mine stuff including pallets, so can be useful for someone wanting to start getting those resources really.  Healing Factor is another decent option as it will help them heal more quickly without meds and reduce debuffs times.  For a new player, cardio can make them happy even if it really isn't a great perk.


Also, it is possible to reset perks with forgettin' elixir, so they do have the option of choosing temporary perks and then removing them later so it isn't critical which they choose of they find they choose wrong.



10 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:

1 > , the first time he collects a lot, packmule ist useful for this ...sledgehammer(the stone one) ist the only good weapon that can make a "headshot" at start...the woodbat is worst, u can use yout firestick to set the zombies on fire :)


2> at first you have bad condition..armour slows you down, without the perks mule you a slow turtle XD


3> i havent noticed nothing that does dirty water..u can drink 6 times and no bad stomach (or you drink1x and bad stomach) but when u dont have water, before diieng u drink the dirty water


4> when u dont have the recipe for steak and eggs, the cooked eggs are to expensive..run around 10min u collect 15-20eggs


5>when u dont have ammo, how u kill zombies? spike killed zombies = no xp points


but everyone has its unique style to play...he can test the tips we all give him 

Pack mule is a newbie magnet.  It is really not worth wasting perk points in as there are far more helpful ones.  If you like it, go ahead and use it, but you can start making cloth pockets right away instead.  You also don't have to carry everything.  Put down a chest or two and collect the stuff later once you have the bike.  Far better than using a perk point for something that really isn't worth much.  This is why you won't find many veteran players who use pack mule and why when people ask on here what the worst perks are, it is always listed.


Cloth armor isn't really going to slow you down.  Considering the increase to debuffs, you want armor, especially as a new player, or you are likely to rage quit after constantly bleeding.  Armor helps to prevent debuffs.  Once you are good at the game, you can skip armor if you prefer.


Murky water takes away 5hp when you drink it.  That is okay if you are dying of thirst but otherwise you should be boiling it and drinking clean water or making that into tea (the better option) and drinking that.  Murky water should only be drunk if you have no other choice or have the helmet mod.


Eggs should always be saved unless you have no other choice.  Meat is very easy to get and you should eat that instead.  Charred until you get grilled and then grilled until you get steak and eggs.  Boiled eggs are really a waste of eggs.  You will always have more meat than you'll ever need, but you will often be short on eggs once you start cooking better food, up until you are making better than the pies and cakes anyhow.  Then eggs will start stacking up.  But you will always have more meat than you need so it is a far better option.


You can easily melee zombies during the first horde night if you set up your base to do so.  Explosives just aren't needed and you aren't likely to have anywhere near enough to last through the first horde night anyhow.  If you like explosives, use them.  But they aren't needed and there are often better choices for rewards.  I did miss the "or ammo" in your post.  Ammo I would agree with, though in most cases getting the magazine bundles in at least the first day or two of quests will make it far easier to get started crafting and that can be a better option for most people unless they want to spend time running around looting mailboxes the first few days.


As far as sledgehammers, they do the most make damage, yes.  However, they are also the slowest weapon and use the most stamina.  A new player is far more likely to get killed trying to use it than if they use a different weapon.  Spears and clubs are far better for a new player as they attack more quickly and use is stamina.  Even the Q1 stone spear will knock down a zombie with one power attack to the head for the first zombies you will encounter.  You do that and you have plenty of time to kill them safely even if you don't knock off their head.  But weapon choice is entirely individual.  You use the weapon you like.


In my opinion, the best starter perks for new players are:


1) the weapon you will use

2) parkour - new players fall and get hurt more than veteran players and that extra fall distance (even at tier 1) can save walking around for an hour with a sprained or broken leg

3) daring adventurer - the extra money let's then but whatever they need more easily and until they decide if they like using traders, that can help them to learn the game more easily

4) maybe miner 69er - this makes it faster to mine stuff including pallets, so can be useful for someone wanting to start getting those resources really.  Healing Factor is another decent option as it will help them heal more quickly without meds and reduce debuffs times.  For a new player, cardio can make them happy even if it really isn't a great perk.


Also, it is possible to reset perks with forgettin' elixir, so they do have the option of choosing temporary perks and then removing them later so it isn't critical which they choose of they find they choose wrong.



9 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:

1 > , the first time he collects a lot, packmule ist useful for this ...sledgehammer(the stone one) ist the only good weapon that can make a "headshot" at start...the woodbat is worst, u can use yout firestick to set the zombies on fire :)


2> at first you have bad condition..armour slows you down, without the perks mule you a slow turtle XD


3> i havent noticed nothing that does dirty water..u can drink 6 times and no bad stomach (or you drink1x and bad stomach) but when u dont have water, before diieng u drink the dirty water


4> when u dont have the recipe for steak and eggs, the cooked eggs are to expensive..run around 10min u collect 15-20eggs


5>when u dont have ammo, how u kill zombies? spike killed zombies = no xp points


but everyone has its unique style to play...he can test the tips we all give him 

Pack mule is a newbie magnet.  It is really not worth wasting perk points in as there are far more helpful ones.  If you like it, go ahead and use it, but you can start making cloth pockets right away instead.  You also don't have to carry everything.  Put down a chest or two and collect the stuff later once you have the bike.  Far better than using a perk point for something that really isn't worth much.  This is why you won't find many veteran players who use pack mule and why when people ask on here what the worst perks are, it is always listed.


Cloth armor isn't really going to slow you down.  Considering the increase to debuffs, you want armor, especially as a new player, or you are likely to rage quit after constantly bleeding.  Armor helps to prevent debuffs.  Once you are good at the game, you can skip armor if you prefer.


Murky water takes away 5hp when you drink it.  That is okay if you are dying of thirst but otherwise you should be boiling it and drinking clean water or making that into tea (the better option) and drinking that.  Murky water should only be drunk if you have no other choice or have the helmet mod.


Eggs should always be saved unless you have no other choice.  Meat is very easy to get and you should eat that instead.  Charred until you get grilled and then grilled until you get steak and eggs.  Boiled eggs are really a waste of eggs.  You will always have more meat than you'll ever need, but you will often be short on eggs once you start cooking better food, up until you are making better than the pies and cakes anyhow.  Then eggs will start stacking up.  But you will always have more meat than you need so it is a far better option.


You can easily melee zombies during the first horde night if you set up your base to do so.  Explosives just aren't needed and you aren't likely to have anywhere near enough to last through the first horde night anyhow.  If you like explosives, use them.  But they aren't needed and there are often better choices for rewards.  I did miss the "or ammo" in your post.  Ammo I would agree with, though in most cases getting the magazine bundles in at least the first day or two of quests will make it far easier to get started crafting and that can be a better option for most people unless they want to spend time running around looting mailboxes the first few days.



9 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:

1 > , the first time he collects a lot, packmule ist useful for this ...sledgehammer(the stone one) ist the only good weapon that can make a "headshot" at start...the woodbat is worst, u can use yout firestick to set the zombies on fire :)


2> at first you have bad condition..armour slows you down, without the perks mule you a slow turtle XD


3> i havent noticed nothing that does dirty water..u can drink 6 times and no bad stomach (or you drink1x and bad stomach) but when u dont have water, before diieng u drink the dirty water


4> when u dont have the recipe for steak and eggs, the cooked eggs are to expensive..run around 10min u collect 15-20eggs


5>when u dont have ammo, how u kill zombies? spike killed zombies = no xp points


but everyone has its unique style to play...he can test the tips we all give him 

Pack mule is a newbie magnet.  It is really not worth wasting perk points in as there are far more helpful ones.  If you like it, go ahead and use it, but you can start making cloth pockets right away instead.  You also don't have to carry everything.  Put down a chest or two and collect the stuff later once you have the bike.  Far better than using a perk point for something that really isn't worth much.  This is why you won't find many veteran players who use pack mule and why when people ask on here what the worst perks are, it is always listed.


Cloth armor isn't really going to slow you down.  Considering the increase to debuffs, you want armor, especially as a new player, or you are likely to rage quit after constantly bleeding.  Armor helps to prevent debuffs.  Once you are good at the game, you can skip armor if you prefer.


Murky water takes away 5hp when you drink it.  That is okay if you are dying of thirst but otherwise you should be boiling it and drinking clean water or making that into tea (the better option) and drinking that.  Murky water should only be drunk if you have no other choice or have the helmet mod.


Eggs should always be saved unless you have no other choice.  Meat is very easy to get and you should eat that instead.  Charred until you get grilled and then grilled until you get steak and eggs.  Boiled eggs are really a waste of eggs.  You will always have more meat than you'll ever need, but you will often be short on eggs once you start cooking better food, up until you are making better than the pies and cakes anyhow.  Then eggs will start stacking up.  But you will always have more meat than you need so it is a far better option.


You can easily melee zombies during the first horde night if you set up your base to do so.  Explosives just aren't needed and you aren't likely to have anywhere near enough to last through the first horde night anyhow.  If you like explosives, use them.  But they aren't needed and there are often better choices for rewards.  I did miss the "or ammo" in your post.  Ammo I would agree with.



9 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:

1 > , the first time he collects a lot, packmule ist useful for this ...sledgehammer(the stone one) ist the only good weapon that can make a "headshot" at start...the woodbat is worst, u can use yout firestick to set the zombies on fire :)


2> at first you have bad condition..armour slows you down, without the perks mule you a slow turtle XD


3> i havent noticed nothing that does dirty water..u can drink 6 times and no bad stomach (or you drink1x and bad stomach) but when u dont have water, before diieng u drink the dirty water


4> when u dont have the recipe for steak and eggs, the cooked eggs are to expensive..run around 10min u collect 15-20eggs


5>when u dont have ammo, how u kill zombies? spike killed zombies = no xp points


but everyone has its unique style to play...he can test the tips we all give him 

Pack mule is a newbie magnet.  It is really not worth wasting perk points in as there are far more helpful ones.  If you like it, go ahead and use it, but you can start making cloth pockets right away instead.  You wish don't have to carry everything.  Put down a chest or two and collect the stuff later once you have the bike.  Far better than using a perk point for something that really isn't worth much.  This is why you won't find many veteran players who use pack mule and why when people ask on here what the worst perks are, it is always listed.


Cloth armor isn't really going to allow you down.  Considering the increase to debuffs, you want armor, especially as a new player, or you are likely to rage quit after constantly bleeding.  Armor helps to prevent debuffs.  Once you are good at the game, you can skip armor if you prefer speed.


Murky water takes away 5hp when you drink it.  That is okay if you are doing of thirst but otherwise you should be boiling it and drinking clean water or making that into tea (the better option) and drinking that.  Murky water should only be drunk of you have no other choice or have the helmet mod.


Eggs should always be saved unless you have no other choice.  Meat is very easy to get and you should eat that instead.  Charred until you get grilled and then grilled until you get steak and eggs.  Boiled eggs are really a waste of eggs.  You will always have more meat than you'll ever need, but you will often be sorry on eggs once you start cooking better food, up until you are making better than the pies and cakes anyhow.  Then eggs will start stacking up.  But you will always have more meat than you need so it is a far better option.


You can easily melee zombies during the first horde night if you set up your base to do so.  Explosives just aren't needed and you aren't likely to have anywhere near enough to last through the first horde night anyhow.  If you like explosives, use them.  But they aren't needed and there are often better choices for rewards.  I did miss the "or ammo" in your post.  Ammo I would agree with.

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