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In my opinion, your most important considerations are:


  • Make sure it has a dedicated GPU instead of integrated.  Integrated GPUs are horrible for gaming.
  • Make sure you have a good CPU, preferably above the recommended rather than minimum for the game.
  • Get 32GB RAM (or more) if possible.
  • Make sure the hard drive is SSD (and preferably a fast M.2 SSD).


Beyond that, I never recommend HP for computers. :)


Also, I've noticed more people talking about issues with graphics and lag when using AMD GPUs.  I have one and it works well for me but it does seem more people are posting about issues have AMD instead of Nvidia.  I like both brands and would normally recommend either but you might want to do a forum search for the specific GPU and see if anyone's posted about graphics or lag problems who has that same GPU just to be safe.



In my opinion, your most important considerations are:


  • Make sure it has a dedicated GPU instead of integrated.  Integrated GPUs are horrible for gaming.
  • Make sure you have a good CPU, preferably above the recommended rather than minimum for the game.
  • Get 32GB RAM (or more) if possible.
  • Make sure the hard drive is SSD (and preferably a fast M.2 SSD).

Beyond that, I never recommend HP for computers. :)

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