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3 hours ago, Laz Man said:

That is correct.  In the jail, there are alot of things in the environment to take advantage of to even the odds.

But that seems to be missing in the end room of the Navezgane County Jail or I am missing something. I know that there is an door that can be opened in an office in the upper area, but you have to know that first. Otherwise I don't see anything that gives me a break or an opportunity to reload. It is very easy for the zombies to push you into a corner in this room and because you bleed so easily in A21, you can hardly see anything. And since you enter the room through a hole in the ceiling, there is no way back.


In Navzegane Correction, on the other hand, you can make very good use of the prison doors and fences to give yourself a bit of breathing space and so that groups of zombies form which you can then fight effectively with grenades, pipe bombs or exploding arrows/crossbolts.




2 hours ago, Laz Man said:

That is correct.  In the jail, there are alot of things in the environment to take advantage of to even the odds.

But that seems to be missing in the end room of the Navezgane County Jail or I am missing something. I know that there is an door that can be opened in an office in the upper area, but you have to know that first. Otherwise I don't see anything that gives me a break or an opportunity to reload. Otherwise it is very easy for the zombies to push you into a corner in this room. And because you bleed so easily in A21, you can hardly see anything.


In Navzegane Correction, on the other hand, you can make very good use of the prison doors and fences to give yourself a bit of breathing space and so that groups of zombies form which you can then fight effectively with grenades, pipe bombs or exploding arrows/crossbolts.


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