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14 hours ago, KennyLives said:

I don't know what is wrong with TFP. Why every next update has to prolong progression by another 100%? Why they can't just add more stuff to the endgame? We played for like 30 days and I can't even build a proper base, because I can't make a generator, because I can't find 25 magazines anywhere.

The game is all about getting progressively stronger over time. If you don’t like the progression journey and want to get right to electricity and a “proper base” then enable the creative menu and take 50 of those magazines. One of the reasons for the magazine design was to extend progression which is why the very first major adjustment they made for stable was to reduce magazine generosity because the progression was happening too fast. Your desire for faster progression to the good stuff goes completely against the plans of the developers. 

Also, they won’t be adding expansionary content to the endgame until after the base game goes gold.          

14 hours ago, KennyLives said:

What if I get bored of one type of weapon? Now I have to pack my points into maces PLUS another perk to use less stamina on maces? Stupid.

You worded this weirdly. I think that what you mean is that you don’t like that you have to actually perk into each individual weapon to get stamina reduction for those weapons. You liked a single perk that globally affected all melee weapons and tools. Is that correct?


It’s not stupid. It’s just more of an emphasis in specializing which is a legit philosophy in RPGs.  And what’s wrong with spending those extra points in a different weapon? You get a lot of nice bonuses in addition to stamina reduction. 

Finally, a purple tier steel mace is fun and satisfying whether or not it is perked or unperked. By time you get bored of your primary melee weapon you have a lot more stamina to spend and the weapon cuts down enemies faster. If you were happy before using unperked weapons then the stamina use can’t really be that big of a factor unless you are trying to power attack all the time. 

14 hours ago, KennyLives said:

You removed jars because you added a water collector? Another stupid idea. What if I don't want to make a base and I just want to travel all the time?

I suppose you are simply advocating for hypothetical nomads since you already stated you like to build “proper bases” as soon as possible…


Nomad play is still viable if you actually care about that. Nomad play isn’t just about traveling around looking at trees and bushes. You loot and clear POIs as you explore and keep only the essential supplies you need. You hole up at night in a safe spot and move on.  You will find plenty of water and vitamins to keep yourself hydrated. You can still make a few dew collectors and use your claim block to pick them up again when you move on. If you stay in a city for a few days with 3 collectors you could have a stash of 20-27 water by time you decide to move on down the road. 

It’s perfectly fine that you don’t like these particular changes but they aren’t stupid changes, they don’t make nomad play impossible, they emphasize specializing in your character build, and yes, they prolong the progression because that is a design goal for the vanilla game.  Thanks for your thoughts. You aren’t alone and I’m sure the devs are taking note. 




13 hours ago, KennyLives said:

I don't know what is wrong with TFP. Why every next update has to prolong progression by another 100%? Why they can't just add more stuff to the endgame? We played for like 30 days and I can't even build a proper base, because I can't make a generator, because I can't find 25 magazines anywhere.

The game is all about getting progressively stronger over time. If you don’t like the progression journey and want to get right to electricity and a “proper base” then enable the creative menu and take 50 of those magazines. One of the reasons for the magazine design was to extend progression which is why the very first major adjustment they made for stable was to reduce magazine generosity because the progression was happening too fast. Your desire for faster progression to the good stuff goes completely against the plans of the developers. 

Also, they won’t be adding expansionary content to the endgame until after the base game goes .          

13 hours ago, KennyLives said:

What if I get bored of one type of weapon? Now I have to pack my points into maces PLUS another perk to use less stamina on maces? Stupid.

You worded this weirdly. I think that what you mean is that you don’t like that you have to actually perk into each individual weapon to get stamina reduction for those weapons. You liked a single perk that globally affected all melee weapons and tools. Is that correct?


It’s not stupid. It’s just more of an emphasis in specializing which is a legit philosophy in RPGs.  And what’s wrong with spending those extra points in a different weapon? You get a lot of nice bonuses in addition to stamina reduction. 

Finally, a purple tier steel mace is fun and satisfying whether or not it is perked or unperked. By time you get bored of your primary melee weapon you have a lot more stamina to spend and the weapon cuts down enemies faster. If you were happy before using unperked weapons then the stamina use can’t really be that big of a factor unless you are trying to power attack all the time. 

13 hours ago, KennyLives said:

You removed jars because you added a water collector? Another stupid idea. What if I don't want to make a base and I just want to travel all the time?

I suppose you are simply advocating for hypothetical nomads since you already stated you like to build “proper bases” as soon as possible…


Nomad play is still viable if you actually care about that. Nomad play isn’t just about traveling around looking at trees and bushes. You loot and clear POIs as you explore and keep only the essential supplies you need. You hole up at night in a safe spot and move on.  You will find plenty of water and vitamins to keep yourself hydrated. You can still make a few dew collectors and use your claim block to pick them up again when you move on. If you stay in a city for a few days with 3 collectors you could have a stash of 20-27 water by time you decide to move on down the road. 

It’s perfectly fine that you don’t like these particular changes but they aren’t stupid changes, they don’t make nomad play impossible, they emphasize specializing in your character build, and yes, they prolong the progression because that is a design goal for the vanilla game.  Thanks for your thoughts. You aren’t alone and I’m sure the devs are taking note. 


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