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1 hour ago, Scyris said:


See this is the problem with the stat system currently, there are just optimal stats for things and you cannot do anything to change that, like for a miner, your going to want to go str, as miner 69'er and motherload are basically vital. I dispise the stat system with a passion its poorly thought out and often doesn't make any sense. At least in a21 crafting quality is no longer locked to stats, even with 1 in a stat you CAN eventually max a magazine series out and get all recipies, it'll just take longer is all.


You really notice the stat systems problems when playing single player, since you need to do everything yourself, you need to have various stats at various levels to be optimal, so your basically forced into the same builds to be efficient. Its less of an issue in a20 in MP since you could have people specilize, but this kinda went out the window a bit in a21 with craft quality and most recipes being magazine unlocks. I'd kill for a gas can schematic again, because I've never gotten the vehicle skill high enough to make a minibike ever. The perk that influences it, just is not worth investing into at all, its a waste of perk points, whoopie do cheaper costs to make the parts.. they aren't expensive in the first place anyway. Well maybe the 4x4 chassis is a bit expensive but thats about it.


I actually agree with you about miner/motherload because the difference between 1 point in them and max perked out may be too much. But that seems a balancing issue. The game is balanced for a player who does everything but some things not well and others much better. And it is ok that he is not the best in everything. I can play the game with max mining and I will use that to for example to build bigger than usual. But I can play the game with no mining skil as well and just use whatever I am good at, for example explosives in a necessarily smaller base. I don't need to be "optimal" as a miner to mine (or more generally to get basic resources any way I can)


I play SP at the moment and as AGI player i am bad at ALL resource gathering skills. Still I wrench sometimes for parts. I need more time per car, but I will still get parts, motors and batteries just like the master wrencher. I will not mine much and try to get most materials through buying or shoveling resource blocks in POIs. I am a bad farmer at LotL1 but my farm still supports me. I don't have much resources for building but with the help of a POI as foundation I still build nice horde bases. I just don't build a palace as home base, I build functional, not for looks.


Now YOU, specifically, are someone who seems to be a "miner" or a builder player, i.e. mining or building for you seems more important than the rest of the game, someone who might have switched over from minecraft. Nothing wrong with that, but you play the game for a different reason than probably most players and TFP themselves. If you are only happy if you are mining master then for example you could install a mod that just makes max miner69/motherload reachable without any points in STR. I am very very sure that TFP will not give what you want for vanilla, no matter how often or long you critisize that same issue, because I think that is exactly how they want it, as an incentive to play differently each time.







1 hour ago, Scyris said:


See this is the problem with the stat system currently, there are just optimal stats for things and you cannot do anything to change that, like for a miner, your going to want to go str, as miner 69'er and motherload are basically vital. I dispise the stat system with a passion its poorly thought out and often doesn't make any sense. At least in a21 crafting quality is no longer locked to stats, even with 1 in a stat you CAN eventually max a magazine series out and get all recipies, it'll just take longer is all.


You really notice the stat systems problems when playing single player, since you need to do everything yourself, you need to have various stats at various levels to be optimal, so your basically forced into the same builds to be efficient. Its less of an issue in a20 in MP since you could have people specilize, but this kinda went out the window a bit in a21 with craft quality and most recipes being magazine unlocks. I'd kill for a gas can schematic again, because I've never gotten the vehicle skill high enough to make a minibike ever. The perk that influences it, just is not worth investing into at all, its a waste of perk points, whoopie do cheaper costs to make the parts.. they aren't expensive in the first place anyway. Well maybe the 4x4 chassis is a bit expensive but thats about it.


I actually agree with you about miner/motherload because the difference between 1 point in them and max perked out may be too much. But that seems a balancing issue. The game is balanced for a player who does everything but some things not well and others much better. And it is ok that he is not the best in everything. I can play the game with max mining and I will use that to for example to build bigger than usual. But I can play the game with no mining skil as well and just use whatever I am good at, for example explosives in a necessarily smaller base. I don't need to be "optimal" as a miner to mine (or more generally to get basic resources any way I can)


I play SP at the moment and as AGI player i am bad at ALL resource gathering skills. Still I wrench sometimes for parts. I need more time per car, but I will still get parts, motors and batteries just like the master wrencher. I will not mine much and try to get most materials through buying or shoveling resource blocks in POIs. I am a bad farmer at LotL1 but my farm still supports me. I don't have much resources for building but with the help of a POI as foundation I still build nice horde bases. I just don't build a palace as home base, I build functional, not for looks.


Now YOU, specifically, are someone who seems to be a "miner" or a builder player, i.e. mining or building for you seems more important than the rest of the game, someone who might have switched over from minecraft. Nothing wrong with that, but you play the game for a different reason than probably most players and TFP themselves. If you are only happy if you are mining master then for example you could install a mod that just makes max miner69/motherload reachable without any points in STR. I am very very sure that TFP will not give what you want for vanilla, no matter how often or long you critisize that same issue, because I think that is exactly how they want it, as an incentive to play differently each time.


I love the





23 minutes ago, Scyris said:


See this is the problem with the stat system currently, there are just optimal stats for things and you cannot do anything to change that, like for a miner, your going to want to go str, as miner 69'er and motherload are basically vital. I dispise the stat system with a passion its poorly thought out and often doesn't make any sense. At least in a21 crafting quality is no longer locked to stats, even with 1 in a stat you CAN eventually max a magazine series out and get all recipies, it'll just take longer is all.


You really notice the stat systems problems when playing single player, since you need to do everything yourself, you need to have various stats at various levels to be optimal, so your basically forced into the same builds to be efficient. Its less of an issue in a20 in MP since you could have people specilize, but this kinda went out the window a bit in a21 with craft quality and most recipes being magazine unlocks. I'd kill for a gas can schematic again, because I've never gotten the vehicle skill high enough to make a minibike ever. The perk that influences it, just is not worth investing into at all, its a waste of perk points, whoopie do cheaper costs to make the parts.. they aren't expensive in the first place anyway. Well maybe the 4x4 chassis is a bit expensive but thats about it.


I actually agree with you about miner/motherload because the difference between 1 point in them and max perked out may be too much. But that seems a balancing issue. But the game is balanced for a player who does everything but some things not well and others much better. And it is ok that he is not the best in everything. I can play the game with max mining and I will use that to for example to build bigger than usual. But I can play the game with no mining skil as well and just use whatever I am good at, for example explosives in a necessarily smaller base.


I play SP at the moment and as AGI player i am bad at ALL resource gathering skills. Still I wrench sometimes for parts. I need more time per car, but I will still get parts, motors and batteries just like the master wrencher. I will not mine much and try to get most materials through buying or shoveling resource blocks in POIs. I am a bad farmer at LotL1 but my farm still supports me. I don't have much resources for building but with the help of a POI as foundation I still build nice horde bases. I just don't build a palace as home base, I build functional, not for looks.


Now YOU, specifically, are someone who seems to be a "miner" or a builder player, i.e. mining or building for you seems more important than the rest of the game, someone who might have switched over from minecraft. Nothing wrong with that, but you play the game for a different reason than probably most players and TFP themselves. If you are only happy if you are mining master then for example you could install a mod that just makes max miner69/motherload reachable without any points in STR. I am very very sure that TFP will not give what you want for vanilla, no matter how often or long you critisize that same issue, because I think that is exactly how they want it, as an incentive to play differently each time.





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