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13 minutes ago, meganoth said:


Sure, but traps and explosives can be seen as different ways of doing horde base. As an explosive expert I build either a spacious room with multiple heavy doors (so they last longer) to me, so zombies mass up fast. Or a pit where I try to drop them into (with the help of a pusher turret for example). While as INT player I have electrictal traps that slow them down and kill them, so a long narrow high pathway is ideal. In this case pusher turrets are not for "collecting" the zombies, instead they are just thrown off so they have to reenter the parcour and get damaged by traps a second time.


Especially as a single player you do base building, whether you are INT or something else. And even in a group the people who like to build bases may want to play different attributes every new playthrough, so a design that pushes the builder to INT may not be ideal.




See this is the problem with the stat system currently, there are just optimal stats for things and you cannot do anything to change that, like for a miner, your going to want to go str, as miner 69'er and motherload are basically vital. I dispise the stat system with a passion its poorly thought out and often doesn't make any sense. At least in a21 crafting quality is no longer locked to stats, even with 1 in a stat you CAN eventually max a magazine series out and get all recipies, it'll just take longer is all.


You really notice the stat systems problems when playing single player, since you need to do everything yourself, you need to have various stats at various levels to be optimal, so your basically forced into the same builds to be efficient. Its less of an issue in a20 in MP since you could have people specilize, but this kinda went out the window a bit in a21 with craft quality and most recipes being magazine unlocks. I'd kill for a gas can schematic again, because I've never gotten the vehicle skill high enough to make a minibike ever. The perk that influences it, just is not worth investing into at all, its a waste of perk points, whoopie do cheaper costs to make the parts.. they aren't expensive in the first place anyway. Well maybe the 4x4 chassis is a bit expensive but thats about it.



11 minutes ago, meganoth said:


Sure, but traps and explosives can be seen as different ways of doing horde base. As an explosive expert I build either a spacious room with multiple heavy doors (so they last longer) to me, so zombies mass up fast. Or a pit where I try to drop them into (with the help of a pusher turret for example). While as INT player I have electrictal traps that slow them down and kill them, so a long narrow high pathway is ideal. In this case pusher turrets are not for "collecting" the zombies, instead they are just thrown off so they have to reenter the parcour and get damaged by traps a second time.


Especially as a single player you do base building, whether you are INT or something else. And even in a group the people who like to build bases may want to play different attributes every new playthrough, so a design that pushes the builder to INT may not be ideal.




See this is the problem with the stat system currently, there are just optimal stats for things and you cannot do anything to change that, like for a miner, your going to want to go str, as miner 69'er and motherload are basically vital. I dispise the stat system with a passion its poorly thought out and often doesn't make any sense. At least in a21 crafting quality is no longer locked to stats, even with 1 in a stat you CAN eventually max a magazine series out and get all recipies, it'll just take longer is all.

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