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@Old Crow Heh. Yeah. I know. But wrenching steel for a 5 player hordebase that needs to deal with 64 zombies is not really possible. We usually get demos on day 28 in MP Coop.


But i should get to the crucible before day 28, i have 4 forges full with iron and clay so i just need to craft the steel and upgrade the base. We should be fine even with concrete for that night though. That is if no elite demolisher shows up (modded in elite zombies to spice things up a bit) then we are f´d if one of those blows.



@Old Crow Heh. Yeah. I know. But wrenching steel for a 5 player hordebase that needs to deal with 64 zombies is not really possible. We usually get demos on day 28 in MP Coop.


But i should get to the crucible before day 28, i have 4 forges full with iron and clay so i just need to craft the steel and upgrade the base. We should be fine even with concrete for that night though. That is if no elite demolisher shows up (modded in elite zombies to spice things up a bit) then we are @%$#ed if one of those blows.



@Old Crow Heh. Yeah. I know. But wrenching steel for a 5 player hordebase that needs to deal with 64 zombies is not really possible. We usually get demos on day 28 in MP Coop.


But i should get to the crucible before day 28, i have 4 forges full with iron and clay so i just need to craft the steel and upgrade the base. We should be fine.

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