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I'd worry more about the multi-crit stuff. Get hit once and oh look: Abrasion, Infection, bleeding AND concussion. That stuff really needs to stop, vultures are especially guilty of this as is dogs. Almost everytime I am hit by a vulture even ONCE they usually land 3-4 debuffs on me, it almost feels like its 100% chance because of how often it happens. Lets just say if I get hit by a vulture and it doesn't land some debuff on me I am surprized.. as it happens that often that they do land a debuff (or several) every hit.



I'd worry more about the multi-crit stuff. Get hit once and oh look: Abrasion, Infection, bleeding AND concussion. That stuff really needs to stop, vultures are especially guilty of this as is dogs. Almost everytime I am hit by a vulture even ONCE they usually land 3-4 debuffs on me, it almost feels like its 100% chance because of how often it happens. Lets just say if I get hit by a vulture and it doesn't land some debuff on me I am surprized.. as it happens that often than they do land it every hit.

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