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10 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


It's more the fact TFP can't decide if they want realism or not. When they do add realism, it always seems to be for something detrimental. When it's a suggestion that might be beneficial for the player, they fall back "It's a zombie game, it's not supposed to be realistic."


Yes, we realize that driving a car head-on into a pole would cause major damage in real life. Said car would not instantly explode into nothing but atoms. So why don't you quit whining about people whining.

If this car would not blow up and destroy all the cargo, i would have no problems with that.

Or if obstacles would shows up earlier so i could avoid or dodge it



9 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


It's more the fact TFP can't decide if they want realism or not. When they do add realism, it always seems to be for something detrimental. When it's a suggestion that might be beneficial for the player, they fall back "It's a zombie game, it's not supposed to be realistic."


Yes, we realize that driving a car head-on into a pole would cause major damage in real life. Said car would not instantly explode into nothing but atoms. So why don't you quit whining about people whining.

If this car would not blow up and destroy all the cargo, i would have no problems with that

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