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15 hours ago, RipClaw said:

And there is already a mod for those who want to have it. Unless there is a huge run on this mod, I assume that the desire for item degradation among the player base is not that big.



I can pretty much guarantee that if item degradation is ever added to this game it would only be as an option that players who want it can enable. Maybe TFP will do it from the start for their next game but this one is almost done and they already had it implemented at one point and intentionally chose to cut it. Finally, as you point out, it is a majorly divisive feature. I won't say which side is the majority but let's pretend it is roughly 50-50 but also very polarizing about how people feel about it. There's not much "meh" regarding it. It tends to be either love or hate and that's risky to add when your game is sitting in the top 10 every weekend and courting 100k players for the first time ever-- and degradation isn't part of the game.


Degradation is better as an official option or an unofficial mod, imo.



15 hours ago, RipClaw said:

And there is already a mod for those who want to have it. Unless there is a huge run on this mod, I assume that the desire for item degradation among the player base is not that big.



I can pretty much guarantee that if item degradation is ever added to this game it would only be as an option that players who want it can enable. Maybe TFP will do it from the start for their next game but this one is almost done and they already had it implemented at one point and intentionally chose to cut it. Finally, as you point out, it is a majorly divisive feature. I won't say which side is the majority but let's pretend it is roughly 50-50 but also very polarizing about how people feel about it. There's not much "meh" regarding it. It tends to be either love or hate and that's risky to add when your game is sitting in the top 10 every weekend and courting 100k players for the first time ever without it.


Degradation is better as an official option or an unofficial mod, imo.

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