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Alpha 21 coupled with the Steam Sale has been an amazing success, lets have a positive thread for once praising the devs as they clearly know what they are doing.


I for one love the way the devs have handled the game over all. There are many, many, many generic zombie survival games, but none have managed to even remotely stand up to 7 Days gameplay loop


The constant updates has also been a great thing IMO. I treat each alpha like a "Season" in an ARPG where you come in fresh and make a new character in and start over from scratch, and just get to play again in a massively updated game and see all the new stuff added.



Here's to 90K heading towards 100k! Great stuff TFP, thanks for the nearly 1,000 hours I've gotten out of the game over the years







Alpha 21 coupled with the Steam Sale has been an amazing success, lets have a positive thread for once praising the devs as they clearly know what they are doing.


Despite the nonstop gloom and doom and dew collector rage rant tjhreads, and "7 years in alpha" memes, I for one love the way the devs have handled the game over all. There are many, many, many generic zombie survival games, but none have managed to even remotely stand up to 7 Days gameplay loop


The constant updates has also been a great thing IMO. I treat each alpha like a "Season" in an ARPG where you come in fresh and make a new character in and start over from scratch, and just get to play again in a massively updated game and see all the new stuff added.



Here's to 90K heading towards 100k! Great stuff TFP, thanks for the nearly 1,000 hours I've gotten out of the game over the years





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