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8 hours ago, khzmusik said:

I am working on the Rain Collector mod and would like some feedback.


1. Should I continue to support the ability to give more "slots" to the dew collector? Vanilla grants access for each slot to have multiple items, so I'm not sure its' worth it. That ability is risky since it relies upon the window having the same "slots" as the dew collector. Isi it worth it?

2. Should Rain Collectors still be chunk observers? That feature allows them to be more reliable, but it has a performance impact. Also if I don't need to support that, then an entire class of Harmony patches could be removed. I'm leaning heavily towards removing that feature but I want feedback.


PLEASE let me know what you think.

1. I don't think this is needed anymore.


2. I'm torn on this. On one hand it is nice for it to check for rain, on the other I don't know if it is worth the performance hit anymore.  Vanilla fills so fast with upgrades I don't think it would even be noticeable for rain to affect it.


Now that I wrote that out I think you can stop support for both 1 and 2. I would prefer you to focus on the NPC mods. Especially the friendly ones, which is what I use



8 hours ago, khzmusik said:

I am working on the Rain Collector mod and would like some feedback.


1. Should I continue to support the ability to give more "slots" to the dew collector? Vanilla grants access for each slot to have multiple items, so I'm not sure its' worth it. That ability is risky since it relies upon the window having the same "slots" as the dew collector. Isi it worth it?

2. Should Rain Collectors still be chunk observers? That feature allows them to be more reliable, but it has a performance impact. Also if I don't need to support that, then an entire class of Harmony patches could be removed. I'm leaning heavily towards removing that feature but I want feedback.


PLEASE let me know what you think.

1. I don't think this is needed anymore.


2. I'm torn on this. On one hand it is nice for it to check for rain, on the other I don't know if it is worth the performance hit anymore.  Vanilla fills so fast with upgrades I don't think it would even be noticeable for rain to affect it.


Now that I wrote that out I think you can stop support for both 2 and 2. I would prefer you to focus on the NPC mods. Especially the friendly ones, which is what I use

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