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On 11/24/2023 at 11:58 AM, meganoth said:


Considering the other fact that some bugs existed for multiple alphas suggests to me that some stuff simply falls behind drawers. A "successful" bug report is what keeps it at least on an important list so it isn't forgotten. But if some tester just said they will look into it there is a real change he just forgot it afterwards and it effectively is lost in time.



There is a bug with water and stamina regen that has been here since a17 and is still not fixed. If you go below 74% water you get hit with a 20% stam regen penalty, there is no UI tool tip, no xml reference either for this debuff. this debuff USED to be in a16.4 and had proper tool tip/icon etc, but these were removed in a17 and the debuff was supposed to be moved to under 50% water. However, it seems the devs forgot to remove the orignal debuff from the code, as even today in a21.2 you can still lose 20% stam regen once your water hits 74% and lower. Like I said you won't find this debuff in the xml's anywhere, as its a hard coded debuff it seems that needs to be removed by TFP. Its been reported multiple times and nothing is ever done to fix it, even after its been confirmed to be an issue.


As for the shotgun slugs, I can admit i've never used them, vanilla shotguns have a debuff they place on anything hit that forces them to walk speed, its there on every shotgun, and as you get the perk the debuff lasts longer, it Starts at 4s, then 6s and finally 8s. You can backpedal faster than zombies can walk so with a shotgun even within 4 blocks nothing should be able to get to you if you keep shooting. This is part what makes the shotgun so good, its not just the high damage per shot/ammo, its the slow as well that makes it very useful bascially for anything. Mind you shotguns do suck for horde night due to the poor range depending on base design, the design I use for example the zombies are 13 blocks away from where I shoot, so buckshot basically is useless till they break 2 sets of bars to get closer.



On 11/24/2023 at 11:58 AM, meganoth said:


Considering the other fact that some bugs existed for multiple alphas suggests to me that some stuff simply falls behind drawers. A "successful" bug report is what keeps it at least on an important list so it isn't forgotten. But if some tester just said they will look into it there is a real change he just forgot it afterwards and it effectively is lost in time.



There is a bug with water and stamina regen that has been here since a17 and is still not fixed. If you go below 74% water you get hit with a 20% stam regen penalty, there is no UI tool tip, no xml reference either for this debuff. this debuff USED to be in a16.4 and had proper tool tip/icon etc, but these were removed in a17 and the debuff was supposed to be moved to under 50% water. However, it seems the devs forgot to remove the orignal debuff from the code, as even today in a21.2 you can still lose 20% stam regen once your water hits 74% and lower. Like I said you won't find this debuff in the xml's anywhere, as its a hard coded debuff it seems that needs to be removed by TFP. Its been reported multiple times and nothing is ever done to fix it, even after its been confirmed to be an issue.

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