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Darker green for imposter of new ground cover bush


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The new bush you see for random ground cover in the forest has an imposter that has a green color that is way too bright/light.  It clashes badly with the terrain when seen at a distance.  It would be great if the imposter was made a darker green - around the darkness of the grass color on the topsoil terrain blocks.  That way it would not stand out badly while still an imposter.


If you're unsure which bush I mean, it's the bush you hit to get wood (the living version of the old twigs bush that is still in the game).


EDIT:  Ok, so after posting this, I started seeing these in darker shades and not just that "lime" green color.  The darker shades looked great.  It appears the shade of the imposter is affected by the lighting at the time so maybe it just needs to have an adjustment for when the lighting is such that it creates this bright green color.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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