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I'm inclined to agree on all of the things. Jars just vanishing into oblivion is not about realism but it breaks the expectation which is immersion breaking, just make getting "clean" water hard and boiling dirty water should not turn it into clean water that is just cooked dirty water, quite basic and easy to grasp for players, so why remove the jars? Same can be said about food in cans, where does that can now suddenly go? There is quite a difference between realism and basic expectations. I seriously think that TFP has no idea about game design in general especially if you look at the evidence on how often everything is being changed over and over, I understand that to some degree you have to test and re-evaluate the systems but if you constantly keep doing that it just tells me you have no bloody idea what you are actually doing which is also known as brute force. To me a good game is not a game that has the best graphics in the world but rather well designed game mechanics otherwise we would all have hated the old games which looked pretty @%$# by todays standard but are typically praised to be the best games ever made. There are just so many things wrong with this game and each update I'm hoping it gets better and I stay away from the dev log thread to go into the next version without a bias and every time when it comes to me playing the next update its just massive disappointment. What frustrates me most is that there is this huge potential in a game where you can build and destroy everything but then restricts you in such odd ways just because TFP says so.



I'm inclined to agree on all of the things. Jars just vanishing into oblivion is not about realism but it breaks the expectation which is immersion breaking, just make getting "clean" water hard and boiling dirty water should not turn it into clean water that is just cooked dirty water, quite basic and easy to grasp for players, so why remove the jars? Same can be said about food in cans, where dos that can now suddenly go? There is quite a difference between realism and basic expectations. I seriously think that TFP has no idea about game design in general especially if you look at the evidence on how often everything is being changed over and over, I understand that to some degree you have to test and re-evaluate the systems but if you constantly keep doing that it just tells me you have no bloody idea what you are actually doing which is also known as brute force. To me a good game is not a game that has the best graphics in the world but rather well designed game mechanics otherwise we would all have hated the old games which looked pretty @%$# by todays standard but are typically praised to be the best games ever made. There are just so many things wrong with this game and each update I'm hoping it gets better and I stay away from the dev log thread to go into the next version without a bias and every time when it comes to me playing the next update its just massive disappointment. What frustrates me most is that there is this huge potential in a game where you can build and destroy everything but then restricts you in such odd ways just because TFP says so.

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