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1 hour ago, Renathras said:

I feel like this completely negates your prior point.


I'm not sure what prior point you're talking about since you responded to me almost a week later and I can't remember. Sorry you feel that I self-negated myself?


1 hour ago, Renathras said:

By this token, why not make you auto-consume the Honey from the tree stump then and there?


Uh...because the stump is destroyed when you get the single jar of honey and the lake isn't? I guess if the stump was unbreakable with infinite reserves of honey inside then the devs would let you auto-consume the honey rather than taking infinite jars of it away or I guess they could allow you to gather a jar of murky water from the lake at the moment that it is completely destroyed by doing so. I think the way it is makes more sense.


1 hour ago, Renathras said:

Oh, because it's about limiting water survival, not about realism? It's about forcing people to do content they dislike instead of the game being a sandbox that lets players play how they want? It's about nerfing things, no matter how irrational and illogical it is to do so, instead of just letting people have fun in a video game?


It's about changing water survival from having no gameplay presence to having a gameplay presence. Whether you feel that the gameplay TFP designed is fun or not is your very own valid opinion. There are plenty of people having fun and plenty of people not having fun with the same changes. The game is becoming an actual full-fledged game that will involve limitations and rules that weren't there before. It has some sandbox elements just like it has elements of several other genres. It is not a dedicated sandbox game although you can make it so by enabling the creative menu and godmode. Just because you can't understand the rationality and the logic of the changes doesn't mean they are irrational and illogical. Just because you aren't having fun doesn't mean they aren't fun.


I've loaded in overhaul mods that I played for about an hour before uninstalling because I wasn't having fun. Does that mean the mod author made their changes to the game in order to prevent people from having fun with 7 Days to Die? Did they mod it on purpose to make the game worse? Obviously not. I just didn't like the changes, myself. I didn't go to that mod author's thread and rant about how stupid their changes were and ask why they would do such irrational and illogical modifications to make the game unfun for everyone. That would just be rude to do to someone who obviously put a lot of thought and effort into the mod. Instead, I simply realized that the changes weren't for me but that they probably were fun for other people and I looked elsewhere. If that mod author did happen to ask for my feedback I would have given the reasons I didn't find it fun and leave it at that. I certainly wouldn't demand that he change his mod to suit me.


1 hour ago, Renathras said:

I genuinely don't mean to be antagonistic, but this statement I quoted negates every argument in favor of removing glass jars. It says the change was not to make inventory easier (seriously, glass jars stacking to 125 was HARDLY the cause of anyone's inventory woes when we have so many other random things - take a wrench to a vehicle and you just filled half to two-thirds of your inventory!), it was not because of some logic of "you have tons of free jars on you", or to reduce server backend item management or free one or two item registries up so you could add 2 new items in their place (and the very idea that would be an issue in the first place in a game in the year 2023 is just absurd).

All this proves is that the change was specifically to make gameplay dealing with water more annoying, and that making it more annoying was such an imperative to the programmers they broke half the rest of the game in their Quixotic quest to nerf water availability.


Your problem is that you are looking for the one ring to rule all reasons why the change was made. There isn't just one reason. There are lots of reasons and I've spelled them all out ad nauseum plus I don't think they would change your mind if I did it again

. The fact that you think that the change was specifically made to make gameplay more annoying shows your incredible inability to think beyond your own personal mindset. It may be that you find the changes annoying but that was not the goal and it is pretty naive that you think that it is. Every change the devs make are the purpose of improving the fun factor of the game. You can agree or disagree that they succeeded but to say that they set out to do things intentionally to make the game less fun is incredibly shortsighted.


1 hour ago, Renathras said:

I feel like the solution would have just to make it harder to boil water, like requiring a beaker or distiller. That would have achieved all the things that this change has forced, but actually be logical (a distiller generating heat makes more sense than a dew collector generating heat, too) without breaking other crafting and other aspects of the game.


Talk is cheap. What you have here is an elevator pitch of an idea. So test it out and prove that it would have achieved all the things this change set out to do. Either mod your game or self-restrict yourself however you need to to simulate your design. After all, that is exactly what the devs are doing. They designed a change and implemented and tested it for months and now are having the player base test it and they are making adjustments as they go. So test your own idea and if turns out really good then see if you can get it made into a mod.


1 hour ago, Renathras said:

Heck, you can still get the helmet water filter or the book that lets you drink murky water, so getting your hands on either still negates the entire change system.


A chance for a helmet water filter is not the same as guaranteed infinite water bottle gathering from a lake. I felt disappointed both times I found the helmet water filter and simply sold them for money since I wanted to play the water survival gameplay because I think it's fun. Since you find it annoying I'm surprised you aren't overjoyed to have the helmet water filter mod. That gives you exactly what you want which is probably why the devs left it in. That way people who want infinite water early on can have it and those who don't will have some games where it is forced since they don't find the mod or chosen since they can just sell it if they want.


I don't know about any book that lets you drink murky water.



32 minutes ago, Renathras said:

I feel like this completely negates your prior point.


I'm not sure what prior point you're talking about since you responded to me almost a week later and I can't remember. Sorry you feel that I self-negated myself?


33 minutes ago, Renathras said:

By this token, why not make you auto-consume the Honey from the tree stump then and there?


Uh...because the stump is destroyed when you get the single jar of honey and the lake isn't? I guess if the stump was unbreakable with infinite reserves of honey inside then the devs would let you auto-consume the honey rather than taking infinite jars of it away or I guess they could allow you to gather a jar of murky water from the lake at the moment that it is completely destroyed by doing so. I think the way it is makes more sense.


37 minutes ago, Renathras said:

Oh, because it's about limiting water survival, not about realism? It's about forcing people to do content they dislike instead of the game being a sandbox that lets players play how they want? It's about nerfing things, no matter how irrational and illogical it is to do so, instead of just letting people have fun in a video game?


It's about changing water survival from having no gameplay presence to having a gameplay presence. Whether you feel that the gameplay TFP designed is fun or not is your very own valid opinion. There are plenty of people having fun and plenty of people not having fun with the same changes

. The game is becoming an actual full-fledged game that will involve limitations and rules that weren't there before. It has some sandbox elements just like it has elements of several other genres. It is not a dedicated sandbox game although you can make it so by enabling the creative menu and godmode. Just because you can't understand the rationality and the logic of the changes doesn't mean they are irrational and illogical. Just because you aren't having fun doesn't mean they aren't fun.


I've loaded in overhaul mods that I played for about an hour before uninstalling because I wasn't having fun. Does that mean the mod author made their changes to the game in order to prevent people from having fun with 7 Days to Die? Did they mod it on purpose to make the game worse? Obviously not. I just didn't like the changes, myself. I didn't go to that mod author's thread and rant about how stupid their changes were and ask why they would do such irrational and illogical modifications to make the game unfun for everyone. That would just be rude to do to someone who obviously put a lot of thought and effort into the mod. Instead, I simply realized that the changes weren't for me but that they probably were fun for other people and I looked elsewhere. If that mod author did happen to ask for my feedback I would have given the reasons I didn't find it fun and leave it at that. I certainly wouldn't demand that he change his mod to suit me.


50 minutes ago, Renathras said:

I genuinely don't mean to be antagonistic, but this statement I quoted negates every argument in favor of removing glass jars. It says the change was not to make inventory easier (seriously, glass jars stacking to 125 was HARDLY the cause of anyone's inventory woes when we have so many other random things - take a wrench to a vehicle and you just filled half to two-thirds of your inventory!), it was not because of some logic of "you have tons of free jars on you", or to reduce server backend item management or free one or two item registries up so you could add 2 new items in their place (and the very idea that would be an issue in the first place in a game in the year 2023 is just absurd).

All this proves is that the change was specifically to make gameplay dealing with water more annoying, and that making it more annoying was such an imperative to the programmers they broke half the rest of the game in their Quixotic quest to nerf water availability.


Your problem is that you are looking for the one ring to rule all reasons why the change was made. There isn't just one reason. There are lots of reasons and I've spelled them all out ad nauseum plus I don't think they would change your mind if I did it again

. The fact that you think that the change was specifically made to make gameplay more annoying shows your incredible inability to think beyond your own personal mindset. It may be that you find the changes annoying but that was not the goal and it is pretty naive that you think that it is. Every change the devs make are the purpose of improving the fun factor of the game. You can agree or disagree that they succeeded but to say that they set out to do things intentionally to make the game less fun is incredibly shortsighted.


57 minutes ago, Renathras said:

I feel like the solution would have just to make it harder to boil water, like requiring a beaker or distiller. That would have achieved all the things that this change has forced, but actually be logical (a distiller generating heat makes more sense than a dew collector generating heat, too) without breaking other crafting and other aspects of the game.


Talk is cheap. What you have here is an elevator pitch of an idea. So test it out and prove that it would have achieved all the things this change set out to do. Either mod your game or self-restrict yourself however you need to to simulate your design. After all, that is exactly what the devs are doing. They designed a change and implemented and tested it for months and now are having the player base test it and they are making adjustments as they go. So test your own idea and if turns out really good then see if you can get it made into a mod.


1 hour ago, Renathras said:

Heck, you can still get the helmet water filter or the book that lets you drink murky water, so getting your hands on either still negates the entire change system.


A chance for a helmet water filter is not the same as guaranteed infinite water bottle gathering from a lake. I felt disappointed both times I found the helmet water filter and simply sold them for money since I wanted to play the water survival gameplay because I think it's fun. Since you find it annoying I'm surprised you aren't overjoyed to have the helmet water filter mod. That gives you exactly what you want which is probably why the devs left it in. That way people who want infinite water early on can have it and those who don't will have some games where it is forced since they don't find the mod or chosen since they can just sell it if they want.


I don't know about any book that lets you drink murky water.

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