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On 6/14/2023 at 10:34 PM, madmole said:

Vocal minority like usual. Some people hate changes, but will come back later and say it was a good change and they were knee jerking. Water is supposed to be a rare commodity in an apocalypse, not all you can drink buffet on day 1.

Please, please, please, don't treat everybody as a "vocal minority". In some cases this is just a call for game improvement/constructive criticism. I agree that water should be harder to gather, heck, as soon as I got the point of crafting duct tape I really liked the idea. Now this was challenge... until I realised, that it just kills of crafting branch, while you still get a lot of stuff from buying and looting. Either way, good idea, but the "vocal minority" just humbly asks for a better and fair implementation :)



On 6/14/2023 at 10:34 PM, madmole said:

Vocal minority like usual. Some people hate changes, but will come back later and say it was a good change and they were knee jerking. Water is supposed to be a rare commodity in an apocalypse, not all you can drink buffet on day 1.

Please, please, please, don't treat everybody as a "vocal minority". In some cases this is just a call for game improvement/constructive criticism. I agree that water should be harder to gather, heck, as soon as I got the point of crafting duct tape I really liked the idea. Now this was challenge... until I realised, that it just kills of crafting branch, while you still get a lot of stuff from buying and looting. Either way, good idea, but the "vocal minority" just humbly asks for a better and more fair implementation :)

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