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Ability to pick up an object just placed


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This relates to a couple of different situations listed below.  In each situation, this suggestion would really help.  When you place an object, it would be great if you could pick it back up within X time from when placed.  5 seconds would be plenty of time and I'd even consider 3 seconds to be good.  Why?  If you place an object that cannot normally be picked back up or if you place an object somewhere other than in your personal land claim and it isn't placed exactly where you want or in the orientation you want, you either have to just leave it as-is, destroy it, or have someone else pick it up if it happens to be in their land claim.  This is a pain and really doesn't serve any purpose.  I understand not wanting to allow certain things to be picked up either at all or if not in your land claim but if you have a few seconds after placing the item to pick it back up, it would not break that and would be a great QoL for builders especially.


Below are a couple of reasons why this would be helpful...


Not sure if this is a bug or a feature but this has happened a few times to me when placing a picnic table and a wooden desk in game.  I will rotate the object to how I want it and when I click to place it, the game rotates it by 45 degrees.  And unfortunately these items can't be picked up so I have to destroy it, craft another, and try placing it again.  It might take multiple tries before it finally places it without rotating it by 45 degrees.  The most recent time this happened was placing a desk against a wall in the corner of a room, aligned with the wall.  When I clicked to place it, it rotated so that the desk straddled the corner.  It ended up looking fine so I kept it, though there is clipping where it merges with the wall/window but that's fine.  I just would like to see objects placed in the orientation chosen and not rotate themselves as you click the mouse to place them.  Being able to pick it back up and try again would help even if the rotation issue isn't fixed.


Somewhat similar is that it would be great is the placement sensitivity was better on blocks, terrain and mines (probably others as well).  It isn't uncommon to try placing something only to have it placed a block off from where you want because you mouse moved just a hair as you clicked the button to place it.  With mines, it's a pain because the mine will jump up and down as you move the mouse... it'll show down flat on the ground, then up in the air, then down flat in the next block as you move the mouse along the ground.  When in the air, it'll place on the ground if clicked but it isn't really clear which block it'll get placed on.  Kind of a pain.  At least once you can pick up mines you can replace them if it gets placed incorrectly.  Other things like blocks that aren't frame shapes can't be moved if placed incorrectly, so being able to pick them up in a few seconds of placing them would be a great help.

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