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1 hour ago, zztong said:


I've thought about doing this, though I worry it makes water too easy. I'm all for having to go harvest snow. I tend to keep a few thousand snow around to make Yucca Smoothies. I worry that it could become a high capacity glue factory. How is it playing out for you? What recipe are you using?

<append xpath="/recipes">
	<recipe name="drinkJarRiverWater" count="1" >
		<ingredient name="resourceSnowBall" count="10"/>

I don't get a lot of use out of it, since I usually keep my main base in the grass biome and collect water. Considering it still has to be boiled I don't think either are too OP, but yes, the extra water sources are exactly that; a high capacity glue factory w/o spamming dew collectors.

1 hour ago, theFlu said:

Hmm, asking since you're actually modding it, and might've given it more of a test than I have: do you feel you're limited by the "water for glue production" at points in the game? What are those points? From A21 I never felt limited because of water past d1/d2, and while my experience with A22 is solely from YT, I don't think it changed much. If anything the collectors are more effective now. (?)

In A21 I felt very limited. While I abuse the traders as much as the next guy, I still prefer to craft my own gear. Before 1.0 added them, I also had modded QL6 crafting but my recipes were fair and balanced (I think it was pahbi's mod I went with) and used a ton of glue. 2 junk turrets and a drone was a few hundred glue right there. I also like to use a full mix of weapons for different situations and I like the best. Late game, it is not unusual for me to have 5 or more firearms on me at a given time.


It might make it a little too easy, but the main thing is otherwise it is just tedious. 


I am not too far into 1.0 playthrough, so I haven't had a chance to update my sole dew collector yet. Considering it is pretty easy now to spam dew collectors I think it's more or less just a preference thing to have other options.



I'd still consider glue the issue and not drinking water. My guess is the pimps see it that way too. The water filter being pretty common (I feel like I almost always have one in the first few days for several alphas) makes drinking a non-issue. If you don't have a filter, unless you're having trouble finding a pot, drinking is solved easily. Now even having the helmet filter, I still prefer to make red tea, especially since food seems to be an issue for me the first couple weeks, the slow digestion helps.


I also had tried the delay and stack limits but I feel like adding tedium would still not stop mass collection. Any power-gamer worth the title is going to sit there and get RSI clicking repeatedly and suffer through the mind-numbing boredom. I guess I just don't want to spend as much time thinking about making glue or do I save this glue or make it into duct tape as the pimps seem to want us to ever since they made everything duct tape based back in what? A20?.


I also think at vanilla that it makes certain other parts of the game not get used. Frequently I would go without things until late game rather than wasting precious duct tape that I will need later. Why blow a bunch on a low-tier gun or piece of armor, tough it out until you can make the ql 5/6 and also skip most tiers. Those t1 weapons may suck, but at least they don't require a repair kit to fix, which requires duct tape.



1 hour ago, zztong said:


I've thought about doing this, though I worry it makes water too easy. I'm all for having to go harvest snow. I tend to keep a few thousand snow around to make Yucca Smoothies. I worry that it could become a high capacity glue factory. How is it playing out for you? What recipe are you using?

<append xpath="/recipes">
	<recipe name="drinkJarRiverWater" count="1" >
		<ingredient name="resourceSnowBall" count="10"/>

I don't get a lot of use out of it, since I usually keep my main base in the grass biome and collect water. Considering it still has to be boiled I don't think either are too OP, but yes, the extra water sources are exactly that; a high capacity glue factory w/o spamming dew collectors.

45 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Hmm, asking since you're actually modding it, and might've given it more of a test than I have: do you feel you're limited by the "water for glue production" at points in the game? What are those points? From A21 I never felt limited because of water past d1/d2, and while my experience with A22 is solely from YT, I don't think it changed much. If anything the collectors are more effective now. (?)

In A21 I felt very limited. While I abuse the traders as much as the next guy, I still prefer to craft my own gear. Before 1.0 added them, I also had modded QL6 crafting but my recipes were fair and balanced (I think it was pahbi's mod I went with) and used a ton of glue. 2 junk turrets and a drone was a few hundred glue right there. I also like to use a full mix of weapons for different situations and I like the best. Late game, it is not unusual for me to have 5 or more firearms on me at a given time.


It might make it a little too easy, but the main thing is otherwise it is just tedious. 


I am not too far into 1.0 playthrough, so I haven't had a chance to update my sole dew collector yet. Considering it is pretty easy now to spam dew collectors I think it's more or less just a preference thing to have other options.

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