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21 minutes ago, Shinrai said:

@Riamus can we get a “reduce height” command? Something similar to the flood area that can basically remove height from the height map until it hits an elevation change or water? I have some “islands” that I don’t want. I can edit the height map then import it back but then that’s a whole change in the generation process. Would be nice to just have a command to do it in the generator. I’ve tried craters but then it’s a circle and for some reason when I get the elevations smooth I end up with one side as a straight line…

There is already a subtract height map command but add with most commands, it functions across the entire map.  But what you seen to want to do on your map would probably be very easy to accomplish by just making a very simple height map by hand with solid white where the islands are and solid black everywhere else.  Import it with the right rotation and a height map name that is different from the rest of your height map name.  Then use subtract height map with that as the one being subtracted and your main height map at the original/target.


Just note that by using solid white, the ground under the water will be at bedrock.  You could use a very light gray to avoid that but you probably aren't going to see under the water there anyhow.


I would recommend keeping a backup of your main heightmap in case it doesn't do what you want.



17 minutes ago, Shinrai said:

@Riamus can we get a “reduce height” command? Something similar to the flood area that can basically remove height from the height map until it hits an elevation change or water? I have some “islands” that I don’t want. I can edit the height map then import it back but then that’s a whole change in the generation process. Would be nice to just have a command to do it in the generator. I’ve tried craters but then it’s a circle and for some reason when I get the elevations smooth I end up with one side as a straight line…

There is already a subtract height map command but add with most commands, it functions across the entire map.  But what you seen to want to do on your map would probably be very easy to accomplish by just making a very simple height map by hand with solid white where the islands are and solid black everywhere else.  Import it with the right rotation and a height map name that is different from the rest of your height map name.  Then use subtract height map with that as the one being subtracted and your main height map at the original/target.


I would recommend keeping a backup of your main heightmap in case it doesn't do what you want.

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